Chapter 12: Together forever?

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Hey guys so this is the last chapter!


I woke up completely confused as to where I was and then I remember I was at Rachel's house. I sat up and saw that Rachel was asleep beside me. I sighed and picked my phone up. It was already 1 damn! I had 2 missed calls and 3 text messages all from Sam. I opened the messages first and read them.

From: Sam

"Good morning beautiful."

From: Sam

"I miss you."

From: Sam

"Are you ignoring me? :("

I smiled to myself. It felt amazing to know that he cared. I slowly got out of bed so I wouldn't wake Rachel up and went out in to the hall to call Sam back. I dialed his number and he answered after the first ring.

"Hey Naomi."

"Hey Sam. I'm sorry. I just woke up," I said quickly.

"Calm down. It's okay."


"Are we still on for the movies tonight?"

I forgot all about the movies! "Yeah of course!"

"Just to let you know, the guys are tagging along."

I was a little disappointed. "Oh... That's fine. The more the merrier, right?"

"I guess," he chuckled. "We'll pick you up later."


"Bye Naomi."

"Bye Sam."

I hung up and went back into Rachel's room. She was standing in the middle of the room with her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised.

"You and Sam tonight huh?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "It's more like me, Sam and 5 other people."

"Five?! What kind of date is that?"

"A date that isn't a date," I replied.

"Are you disappointed?"

"A little. But it's fine. I like his friends. Well... At least I think I do."

"Even Lawley?" she asked disgusted.

"Yes. Even Lawley," I replied. "Why do you hate Kian so much?"

"I've hated him ever since he poured pudding on my favorite white jeans in the 3rd grade. It's unforgivable. I'll never forget those jeans," she said fake tearing up.

"You're so dramatic. Now tell me the real reason why."

"To be honest I really don't know."

"You're terrible."

"I know. It's a gift," she said dramatically.

"Well I should probably get going," I said.


Once I got home, I went straight to the shower. A half hour later I was in the kitchen making a sandwich. My mom walked into the kitchen and kissed my cheek.

"Hey Naomi, did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah it was pretty fun. Want a sandwich?" I asked.

"Oh, no thanks. Any plans for today?"

"Oh well yeah I was actually going to go to the movies with Sam if that's okay?"

"Yeah it's fine!"

He Changed me... // Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now