Chapter 7: I don't need your pity

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He looked down and walked slowly away from me, while I did the same in the opposite direction. I can't believe that I was so childish as to believe that Sam actually felt something for me. I rolled my eyes at my ignorance.


I sat alone at lunch and sighed to myself. I pulled my sandwich out of my backpack, took a few bites and then threw it away. I wasn't even close to being hungry.

I quickly took a look at Rachel and she was sitting alone too. We locked eyes for a few seconds and she looked away. I sighed and looked over at Sam. Him and I then locked eyes and I looked down and tried my best to hold back my tears.

I looked over at Rachel again and she rolled her eyes and looked away. I sighed. I missed her a lot. Suddenly Sam stormed out of the cafeteria with Kian following him. A few minutes later, Kian and his friends ran over to me.

"Hey Naomi," Kian said with a wink.

I gave him a strange look.

"What do you want, Kian?" I asked barely audible.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted and noticed that Kian and some other random dude were carrying me.

"Kian Lawley! Put me down!"

"Gladly!" he said as he sat me down on a bench next to someone with their hood up.

Kian and his friends ran off and I glanced next to me and the guy with his hood up put it down and I sighed in relief when it was just Sam. I stood up, about to storm off, but Sam gently grabbed my arm. I stopped and turned to face him. His entire facial expression looked as if he was sorry. I just didn't want to believe it.

"Sit, please?" Sam said softly.

Holding back my tears, I did as he said.

He gave me a sad smile. "Can I ask you a serious question? And I want an honest answer."

I nodded.

"Why did you change?"

I looked up at him and sighed. "I don't know," I said as I looked down.

"I know you're lying to me."

I took a deep breath. "I did it for you."

"Why would you do that?"

"I wanted you to like me. I wanted to feel wanted."

"You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to have someone who actually cared about me for once. Just once in my life. I wanted someone to like me for me!"

"But I-"

"Sam, you don't understand! You have no trouble having people like you for you! I honestly just wanted someone who wanted to be with me!"

"Naomi, I-"

"I just wanted someone to be someone's everything!"

"Naomi please-"

"I wanted someone who wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me. I try to be happy, but people like you make it awfully hard. I wish that I had never changed."

I was now crying my eyes out and quickly walked away so Sam couldn't say anything else. I already looked pathetic enough. I didn't need him to pity me even more.

I ran into the cafeteria and sat back at my table alone. And buried my face in my arms. I'm such a sad excuse as a human being. I began sobbing into my arms and I suddenly felt someone's arms around me.

I didn't bother to look up to see who it was, but I began hugging them back and crying on their shoulder. Once I calmed myself a bit, I looked up and was shocked to see that it was Rachel. I couldn't believe it.

"Don't cry, Naomi," she said.

I glared at her. I didn't want to talk to her because she left me when I needed her the most.

"Naomi, are you okay?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes and got up. "I don't need your pity."


The last bell rang signifying that it was time to go home. I smiled in satisfaction and immediately ran out of the classroom. I quickly grabbed my materials from my locker and quickly left the school practically sprinting home. I had to get away from everyone.

I put my key in the lock and walked into the house and collapsed on the couch. My phone vibrating startled me and checked to see who it was. It was just Connor so I decided to text him for a while. Connor and I texted for a few hours until I finally got too tired and prepared myself for bed.


I'm sorry this sucks and that it's short! Ugh. I'm not sure when I'll update again. Vote/Comment if you like it :) I love you guys <3

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