Chapter Five; Note

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Dear Harry Edward Styles,

I won't be giving you this until your career gets even bigger than it already is and you forget about me. Whether that's in a few days, or its in a few years, it's going to happen. I mean, I'm just a friend. Some random girl you crashed into.

Anyways, I'm writing this on March 15, 2015.

Whenever I give this to you, or if I have to give this to you, I'm not totally sure if you'll remember how we met. So I'm going to tell you. And I'm going to tell you what was going through my mind.

My friend Megan and I were on our penny boards, and I crashed into you. I was stunned at the fact that you were Harry Styles, but you turned out to be a dick. Later that day, Megan and I went to the beach. You stole our towels and then I went over to get them from you, and you stood up and you were about five inches away from me. That's the moment I took in all of your features. Your head of curls was so messy it was beautiful. Your eyes, oh my god are they stunning. You didn't have a shirt on so I looked at your tattoos. They made you look brave and rebellious. You're honestly perfect Harry.

At the time, I didn't want to think this. At the time, I kind of hated myself for thinking this. You were a big brat before, so I didn't want to think that you were attractive.

Anyways, you ended up giving me us our towels and invited us to your guys' campfire. We joined and you and I talked for a bit. It was so much fun. Then the next day (or today) we went to lunch. All of us. I was practically staring at you the whole time, and since you had sunglasses on you caught me but I didn't know. Then after that, when Megan and I came home I went up to my room and you were sitting on my bed. I told you some stuff, but I also held back a lot.

By the time I'm giving you this, hopefully you know about my parents. If you don't, well then here we go.

My dad was insane. Psychotic. Just totally messed up.

My mom was madly in love with my dad, but he wasn't very fond of her. He was tired of her. Didn't want her anymore.

So he proposed that they die at the same time. My mom was so oblivious that she accepted. That night, my dad got a gun and she got a gun. They would commit suicide, together.

They held up their guns to their heads, and my dad counted down from three. Then, they would pull the triggers and die.

My dad... He didn't pull his trigger. He practically killed my mom. His wife. My aunts sister. He killed her.

He left the body where it was, but hid the guns.

I guess some neighbor heard the gun shots and called the police. They busted through the door and saw my mom lifeless on the floor. And my dad was standing there. Instantly the officers suspected he killed her, but since he didn't have a weapon in hand they looked around and found a gun. Only one. It was obvious he "killed" her. So he was arrested.

He was sentenced for life.

Since that moment, since my parents were no longer with me, I felt incomplete. My life was incomplete. I thought that I would never be complete without my mom.

I should also mention my dad not only hated my mom but he hated me. He verbally abused me, and sexually harassed me. He raped me. I remember it exactly. What a disgusting man. Disgraceful.

But Harry,

You complete me. At the time of writing this I cannot say I have feelings for you. I cannot say that I love you. You complete me as much as a friend possible can.

With you I feel completed. I feel as though my life is settled and everything that's happening is for a reason.

I'm reading this note over and realize how much I just told you. When I give this to you, know that it means I trust you. Even if your career got so big that you left me; it still means I trust you.

Harry I-

Is all I get to write before Megan opens my door.

"Hey. I feel rude asking this, but could you possibly go grocery shopping tomorrow? We can order pizza tonight for dinner, but we need actual food."

I nodded, "yeah."

She smiles and walks out. I sigh and close my notebook. I'll continue it later.

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