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[a/n: I'm not sure what happened to the story before this chapter, I wrote it out but it must've been deleted. To sum it all up, Ana finds out that Justin is a vampire and she saw him feeding on someone. He tells her he loves her and he confesses. Sorry about the confusion. ]

"What?" I whispered. Tears filled my eyes. It was if I couldn't stop crying.

"Anastasia, please just listen to me." He spoke softly. He had a sad look on his face but it wasn't cute considering there was blood everywhere.

He tried coming closer but I only backed away. He bit his lip and looked to the ground.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

There was complete silence. He didn't even look up at me but kept his gaze on the ground.

"Answer me!" I demanded. My heart sped up as I realized I was being harsh. I'm never this mean but I noticed I had started to take a liking to Justin, he ripped that away when he ruined it.

He met my eyes. They were back to their caramel color and I could tell that he was upset.

"Come with me." He said.

I bit my lip and contemplated it. He could kill me but he just told me that he loved me...I didn't know what I could believe.

But I nodded and ended up following him into the woods. I got a good look at the body and found it to be the young girl from the clothing store.

I held back my tears and kept a straight face.

We arrived at Justin's getaway house and he opened the door. We stepped inside and he turned on the lights.

He led me to a table with chairs. I took a seat in one and he disappeared for a moment but when he came back, he handed me a glass full of water. I gave him a look and took a sip. His face and hands were clean and he looked like his normal self and not some monster.

He sat across from me.

There was an uncomfortable silence as we waited for one another to speak. But I didn't have anything to say. I had questions but he obviously brought me here to tell me something.

"I would never hurt you." He said again.

I shook my head." Are we living on the same planet? Because I'm positive I saw you eating someone else!"

"I wasn't eating her!" He said defensively. I rolled my eyes.

"Then what were you doing? Reading her a fucking bedtime story?!" I shouted.

He stood from the table." You're not someone that would ever understand this. I can't believe I've been with you for this long. I thought when I told you, you'd be able to understand."

"Been with me?" I questioned. What did he mean?

"Ana, I've known you since you were five. I've followed you everywhere you went. I've lived in the shadows for so long because I wanted to protect you." He explained.

I blinked. My thoughts began to race.

"Now I'm finally able to be close to you. It's all I've ever wanted. I may be able to live for an eternity but when you're gone, I'm leaving too. I can't live without you." He finished. His eyes were glossy.

I tried taking in everything he was saying. I was left with confusion and a little bit of guilt. He didn't deserve how I've acted towards him even though any normal person in their right mind would. But he's protected me my whole life.

"So you've known me since I was five...How old does that make you?" I wondered. Maybe he had that disease where he looked young but he was actually a forty year old man.

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