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"I think you'll be okay." Aunt Shelley whispered as she ran a hand up and down my back. I looked at her with my wet face." Ana, I can understand how sad it is to lose something so important."

I nodded remembering how she lost her husband.

"But you can't fret over the fact that your goldfish died. We can get you another." She explained. It was true, she had bought me a goldfish a couple of days ago and it had died. But that wasn't the reason I was crying. I couldn't tell her about Justin because to the world, he didn't exist in this age. So I made her think I'm crying over my dead goldfish, Ralph. I needed some comforting and she was the best at it.

Even if she didn't know the truth...

I wiped my tears away and hugged aunt Shelley tightly." I'm sorry I'm so upset. It's just that....he was my favorite." I whispered out truthfully. I had never met anyone like Justin. Ever since I'd met him, I had been falling for him.

Aunt Shelley pulled away with a bright smile on her face." How about you get dressed and we go down to the pet store?"

My heart sped up with excitement. I squealed and jumped off my bed as Shelley laughed at me. She left the room so I could get dressed.

Until Justin got back, all I needed to do was keep my mind off of him. I think having a pet around here would work.

I guess we'll find out.

I dressed myself in a pair of skinny jeans and a plain tank top. I slid my feet into my converse and threw my hair into a ponytail.

I met aunt Shelley in the living room as she stood there with her purse hanging off her arm and her arms crossed.

"I'm ready." I grinned.

* * *

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed like a little girl in a candy shop. All the puppies wagged their tails as I approached every single one of them.

Aunt Shelley suggested we get a dog and it was funny that I already had that in mind. I walked around the store and observed all the cute puppies. Some were whining for attention and others lazily slumped around.

I walked to a cage with a pack of furry pups. There was one that jumped around as I reached my hand inside. It instantly began licking me and I giggled.

I looked back to see aunt Shelley talking with an older man and I smiled. They seemed to be getting along fairly well.

I grabbed the dog out of the cage and gave it a few kisses along with scratching its soft head.

I held it in my arms as I walked towards the front. When I reached them, they turned to me. Aunt Shelley smiled.

"Is this the one?" She asked. She gave the dog a pat on its head. I took a breath and nodded.

After finding the dog I wanted, we picked out a doggy bed and a few other things we would definitely need.

I didn't know what I'd name him but I needed something simple. Something that was cute and rolled quite nicely off my tongue.

I hopped out of the car and helped aunt Shelley with getting the new items for the dog and led us inside. I let the dog run around its new home as I unpacked the bags of things. I decided on leaving the doggy bed in my room next to my bed.

I filled the puppies new bowls with cool water from the tap and about a cup and a half of dog food.

I snapped the dark blue collar around his neck and let the tiny bell jingle as he ran around the house. I threw around a ball I had gotten him.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" I heard from behind me.

I turned to find aunt Shelley admiring the dog from where she was standing.

"Not yet but I know I'll figure something out. Thank you by the way, for the dog." I spoke. The little rascal growled as I tried taking the ball from him in a playful manner and I laughed to myself.

"I'll be in the kitchen. I need to get dinner started." Shelley said and I nodded.

I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to get to my room. I opened up the door and my eyes searched. I knew I was hoping for him to be here with me but that was too much to assume. I slid off my converse and flopped onto my bed.

I stared up at the blank ceiling as my thoughts raced.

I just needed to see him. Just his face. I needed to hug him and touch him. I needed him.

Did he need me as much as I needed him?


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