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Alec and Lucille led the way towards the private jet that we would be taking to get to London. I wasn't sure how they had gotten a private jet but I wasn't going to complain.

Once we boarded, I took my seat across from Alec and he ordered a fresh glass of blood while I asked for a glass of water and a couple packets of chocolate chip cookies. Even though we had eaten prior to leaving Lucille's house, I could still feel the emptiness evident in my stomach.

Maybe it was just the fear and anxiety that had risen inside of me.

The thought of going face to face with Caroline was scary but I had to get Justin back even if it meant risking my life.

As much as I wanted to hate him...I couldn't.

"How do you feel?" Alec asked me as he sipped on his glass.

I licked the chocolate and crumbs from around my mouth."I'm terrified."

Alec chuckled.

I looked at him."What? I'm serious." I pouted.

He stared at me with his crystal blue eyes and I was beginning to become uncomfortable. Not that I thought he wanted to suck on my neck...or maybe he did I wasn't quite sure.

"I'll be right back." I whispered as I stood to my feet.

I could feel the turbulence as the plane flew and it was difficult to walk through the cabins to the bathroom.

Once I made it, I shut the door behind me and stared at my figure in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and I looked pale.

I turned on the tap and filled my palms with cool water. I leaned down and splashed my face hoping to feel better.

I grabbed a few paper towels and dried my face as best I could. When I finished, I left the bathroom and got back to my seat.

Alec had disappeared.

I turned to face the window and watched as the sun was beginning to go down.

"Maybe you should get some sleep." I heard from beside me. I turned to find Lucille staring down at me.

"Yeah. I think that would be good." I said and she handed me a blanket. I leaned back in my chair and shut my eyes, the darkness taking over almost immediately.

* * *

Justin's p.o.v

I laid in bed thinking about Ana.

I felt as if I was forgetting what her face looked like and what her laugh sounded like.

My mind couldn't help but think about what she was doing in this moment. Probably sleeping...

I wish I could lay right beside her and watch her as her mind was elsewhere.

I sat up and held my head. I really needed to have a drink. I remembered that I hadn't had anything at all yesterday and it made me weaker than I normally would be.

I got out of bed and opened the mini fridge in my room to find it empty. I sighed and walked to my bedroom doors. I opened one of them and stepped out to find the guards waiting there.

I walked down the steps carefully as it was still dark outside since the morning sun hasn't risen quite yet.

I made it to the enormous kitchen and opened up the fridge. I found exactly what I was looking for and began sucking down the gooey liquid.

I instantly felt better.

"They're coming." I heard from behind me.

I turned to find Jason staring at me with his hands behind his back, his silk bathrobe tied at his waist. I furrowed my brows.

"What? Who's coming?" I asked as I left the empty packets of blood on the counter.

"Lucilles's clan." Jason spoke seriously.

My heart stopped.

"How do you know this?" I wondered. I licked my dry lips and waited for him to speak.

"Because...I told them to." He replied.

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