T H I R T Y - S I X

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"Honestly, I think that you should talk to him about how you're feeling." My co-worker stated as we took a thirty minute break together.

I had only just gotten another job a few weeks ago and I haven't told my boss that I'm pregnant yet. I plan on working until the baby is born considering I need money to not only support myself but my child. It's not like Justin won't be there but I like to do as much as I possibly can to keep a clear path going.

Jenny didn't know much about my whole situation with Justin, nor did I go much into detail.

I didn't know who I could trust with such a big secret, especially when I didn't know her well enough yet.

I kept it simple and made it seem like our relationship was a bit rocky because he was always out of town for work and that we were taking a break.

Nothing more, nothing less.

"I don't know, Jen. Doesn't seem like a good idea. He's busy anyways." I explained. In reality, I knew that Lucille was keeping an eye on Justin. She called me at least once a week and told me everything that was going on over there.

Not to mention, Justin did tend to visit me at night. I acted as if I didn't know which probably made him feel as if it was a good idea to continue to crawl into my bedroom window at midnight and stare me down from a dark corner in the room. There were a few times that I could feel his fingertips tracing my visible jawline or touch my growing bump that held our creation.

It was sweet.

There were other times when I could tell he had come into my room when I wasn't there. When I got off from working a late shift at the nightclub one night, I walked into my room and immediately rushed to the open window to slam it shut. The nighttime winter breeze had made my room feel as if it was Antarctica and it was already difficult to heat my room as it is. Not only was the window left ajar but his scent lingered in the air and it made my heart race.

"He should never be too busy for the woman he says he loves." Jenny takes a drag of her cigarette.

Suddenly, the back door to the building bursts open, sending a gust of cold air our way. We both turned to see another waitress, Amy, staring at us with a crazed look in her eyes.

"Ana, boss needs you inside. Tonight's the busiest we've gotten in months." Amy spoke quickly in one breath.

I nodded and waited for the door to shut before letting out a heavy sigh.

Jenny slapped my knee and gave it a friendly rub before chuckling and taking another long drag of her cigarette.

"See you inside, hotshot." She winked at me and I stood to my feet. I readjusted the mini black dress that all the waitress' must wear on a regular when working.

My feet were already aching in my black heels and I groaned.

I opened the back door and stepped inside. The music was booming and the smell of alcohol filled my lungs.

I walked through the kitchen and dodged the chefs that cooked as well as a few other girls that were taking their own breaks.

I grabbed a round black tray and left the back room and stepped into the club.

Bodies of all types filled the room. The bass from the music made the floor tremble and the stir of the dancing crowd made my head spin.

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