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  • Dedicated to Mama <3

As I hid in the shadows, the gravel was digging into my knees: I waited in silence for my victim to be closer. I was hidden in the darkness of a cold dark alley, all alone but for the wind. The wind taunted and teased my long hair that was the colour of the darkest night. It whipped my face leaving me to feel like I was more wild than tamed, that I belonged here. In the darkness and silence where no human thought to look is where I crouched afraid to move. Afraid that I might be seen for what and who I really was.

He had walked so slowly, how stupid was he?  He was walking in an alley, alone in the middle of the night. He was so confident it made me sick, he with that stupid blond hair that made it look like he was an old man, not a youthful one of perhaps twenty. I couldn’t help but watch as he made his way towards my small form in the darkness, and oh how I hated him!

 Just as he reached where I hid I knew I had to act fast, to jump on him. I did that using a knife I had hidden in the folds of my black skirt to cut across the top of his mouth. I had learned before that if I did not use the knife no one would believe I would act. First, use the knife, and only then act. They thought because I was a girl and a tiny one too that they could over power me and put me at their mercy. However I knew different. I had all the power. I had the darkness and the element of surprise, most of all though I had anger to spare, and it was his kind that caused it.

So I acted. I slit his face giving him what looked like a sick smile. He started to scream as I jumped on his back in a strange version of a piggy back my Father would have given me at one point. I covered his mouth with my leather gloved hand.

"One word, this gets shoved into your throat." I whispered the order to him my voice full of anger, control and dominance, as I slid the knife across the back of his neck, the blood started to bead around where I had made the marks I smiled pleased that he had immediately shut up, some of these idiots thought if they just screamed I would not hurt them farther. Like I cared how much noise they made I just ordered them around to establish dominance, the people in these areas where used to screaming and knew better than to look for what made the noises. "Do you know who I am?"

"N-n-n-no" His fear made him stutter how I laughed as I taunted him by making small cuts into his scalp, letting the blood make his white blond hair turn first pink then red.  It always made me laugh when these strong big men could be driven to stutter and weep like the children they heartlessly killed. It made me so happy to see that these big men could be scared of something, especially when that something was little me. "W-w-wh-who are you?" Again laughing, I told him, relishing as I knew that when he found out that I could watch as his face collapsed of any hope.

"I am E" I said the last with venom in my voice. I saw recognition displayed upon his face. I must be pretty famous by now not that any of them actually knew who I was any of them had seen me never lived to tell the tale. In fact it is believed that “E” is a man in his early thirties or late twenties. It suited me just as well. I did not need recognition for what I did I just had to know that I had done it, and I had. I had killed over 50 of those low lives in the past four years. I turned my current victim around to face me.

"Here's a little secret.  I am a Ginger. I want you to die knowing who I am.” I told him venom in my voice. “You, you and your sick group killed my twin brother and Mama, all because my brother was a Ginger too. For this you need to die I will kill you for the crimes you have committed. For them and every other Ginger you sick people have murdered I'm going to kill you now." I took the knife and drove it into his chest I could feel the warm blood swell up as his heart raced in fear. When I took it out I spit in the wound, and drew a well-practiced, often rehearsed 'E' on his chest above his heart, right beside where I had stabbed him leaving my mark that was apparently well known. As the blood drained out of him, leaving him to die alone I felt no mercy. I just took the knife and wiped it on the grass. As I left him there in that stupid dark cold alley, all alone I whispered I am not Evil, gently making sure no blood got onto my face from my gloves which were starting to wear through I noticed when I wiped a tear from my eye, feeling weak for having still to cry after I killed each and every one of the sick bastards who I knew I was no better then.

I walked slowly home staying to the shadows. My heart was racing. It hurt to see such disgust on someone’s face based solely on my genetics. Even faced with death they still looked at me with hatred. I knew that I had nothing wrong with me, and my twin brother who they killed had never done anything wrong. It was just the perception of my genetics that made no one want anything to do with me if I were true to myself. It was my genetics that made these sick men hunt down and kill my kind. I was just as human as them; however I had never heard anyone aside from the people I grew up with say so.

I hated myself for what I was doing. I didn't want to hurt people, but they forced me to. They treated me like I was an animal. I will never forgive them for what they'd done to me and my family. I hated them for how they forced me to kill them just to defend myself. How stupid they were. How much pain they had brought me. Pain that never seemed to end

These men made me sick. They tore family’s apart, ruined lives. They said that Gingers, my kind ruined their lives, threatened the blood lines. These people claimed that gingers ruined family and the meaning of love while in all reality love and family meant nothing to them in reality. They didn’t even know what love is, they had certainly never loved anyone or been loved themselves. The way they walked around destroying everyone else and everyone else’s lives. It's just a game to them: a sick, twisted game where innocent people get hurt.

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