The call

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 I kissed him back. We kissed for a long time thereafter. Finally I pulled away.

"Leslie...." I looked into his shocking blue eyes; we were so close together still I could see the golden rings in great detail.

"Mmm-yeah?" I could tell he was still recovering from our breath taking kiss.

"Leslie. We can't. It's been six years; we can't just go back to how it was before." I leaned back, and laid my head on the pillow looking up at the white ceiling.

"You over think things Rawr, it's me, and it's you. It's always been that way, ever since we were little." He looked angrily down at me.

"And then you left here six years ago! Without a backwards glance! Without a word! How do you think that felt? What are you going to leave for another six years? I refuse to get hurt like that ever again. ESPECIALLY NOT BY YOU” I shouted the last words, the words that his coming had ripped from my scabbed and scarred heart.

"Arura. You had lied to me! I came back and YOU WERE WITH HIM!” he shouted back at me angrly

"That's unfair Nielsen!" I stood up and looked up. I had a long way to look, I was five feet, and he over six.

"What's not fair Arura, is you, you knew I loved you. Hell I even told you I was going to marry you when I was ten!" I saw tears in his eyes.

"Les..." I was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I looked at the number and quickly had to leave the room. "Hello?"

"No need to be polite to me." The man on the other end of the line replied.

"What's up?" I asked without hesitating

"We need to meet and talk, in the morning."

"I don't think I can. An old friend is here"

"Can he help?"

"I think so."

"Then bring him, you need to keep old relationships alive"

"Alright, we’ll meet at ten in the café as usual?"

"No later." The conversation had been full of codes, and I wasn't sure why he wanted my help. All I knew was I had made a huge decision I didn't want to have to regret.

"Nielsen I need to talk to you." He came into the living room, composed after our argument.

"What Arura?" He asked in a joking manner even though I had called him by his birth name which neither of us ever did.

"I have to tell you something. This could change everything between us, you need to know though, and you need to make a choice." I told him my face and voice serious, my eyes flashing.

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