Chapter 3: The Hogwarts Express

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Harry's POV-
(A few weeks later...)
I looked at platform nine and ten. "Same every year. Packed with muggles!" Said a woman. I walked over to her. "Alright Percy, you first!" A teen took his trolley and ran through the brick wall that was between nine and ten. "Fred you next!" she said pointing to the redhead twins. "He's not Fred I am!" One said. "Honestly woman you call yourself out mother!" The other said. "Oh sorry George." The woman said. "I'm only joking I am Fred!" Fred said. He went through the wall with his brother following after him. "Excuse me. Can you tell me, me-" I said still shocked. "How to get to the platform? No to worry dear, it's Ron's first time as well. Now all you've go to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. Best do it in a bit of a run of your nervous." She explained. A little girl with red hair said, "Good Luck!" I ran straight at the wall to be amazed. There was the platform and a train called the Hogwarts Express. I lifted up my truck and soon got on the train. I walked to the very back to finally find an empty compartment. I sat down and look out the window. "Excuse me, can I sit here every where else is full." A voice asked. I turned around to see one from the redhead family. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." He said. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter." I said back to him. Hiss eyes widened by amazement. "So, so it's true do you really have the, the, the.."
"About what?"
"The scar?" He whispered.
I lifted up my bangs that they made me grow to cover it up to show the scar.
"Wicked!" He said. That made me grin like and idiot. "Anything from the trolley dears." Said an old lady passing by. Ron lifted up a squashed sandwich. "No I'm set." I lifted up five galleons, "I'll take the lot." We sat there eating candy and talking. He had so many brothers!

Ally's POV-
(Just got on the train looking for a compartment)
I looked around until I found an empty one with a brown bushy haired girl. I sat down in front if her. "Hello I'm Ally Sentairo." I said excitedly with a stupid grin on my face. "Hermione Granger." She shook my hand. We were talking until a boy came in asking about a toad. "We'll help you find it!" We said at the same time. Then we burst out laughing. As we settled down Hermione and I went to the back. We found a compartment with Harry and a redhead kid. The redhead kid was holding up his wand about to do magic. "Has anyone seen a toad." Hermione asked. "A boy named Neville lost one." I added. "No." The redhead said. "Oh are you about to do magic. Let's see." The redhead said, "Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"  It did a total.....guess what?....of nothing. "Are you sure that's a real spell?" She asked. "I tried some and all of mine have worked." I added. I went over to Harry. "Oculus Repairo!" I said to Harry's glasses. They looked at good as new. "Holy cricket your Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger! And you are?" Hermione said.
"Ron Weasley!" He said with his mouth full of chocolate.
"Ally Sentairo!" I said to him.
"You two better change into your robes." Hermione said to them.
She and I left the compartment flipping our hair. Cause we are BOSS! "First years 'is way. First year." Hagrid said. All of the first years are staring at me. Oh right I forgot my hair is blue today! We got into boats. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I, all got into one boat. Soon we saw a HUGE castle. We walked up some stairs. Until we stopped at a lady in emerald green robes. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now in a few moment you'll past through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Raven claw and Slytherin." She said with Slytherin in a disgusted tone, "Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking will lose you points. At the end of the year the house that had earned the most points will win the house cu-" she was cut off by Neville, "Trevor!" He said reaching out for his toad. She left leaving us there.  "It's true then. What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. This is Crabbe and Goyale. I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco said. Ron snickered. "You think my name is funny, do you. Don't need to ask for your name, Red hair, and hand me down robes. You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others-" I stood up to him face to face. Your going down son! "Hmm. No need to tell me who you are. Blonde hair, a person who boasts around bragging about being a pure blood, and someone who's name fits perfectly. Mouth Boy!" I heard snickers go around. Ahh! In Your Face You Evil Snake! Someone burst out laughing and everyone did the same! I whipped my blue hair in his face to see the woman. "We are ready for you now." She said. She led us into this huge room. The ceiling  was bewitched to like the sky. There was floating candles. On a stool was an old hat with a face. "Now before we begin the sorting Dumbledore would like to say a few words."
"I heard for the test we have to fight a troll." Ron said.
"And who told you that?" I asked
Dumbledore interrupted us, "I would like to say a few words. As the start of term begins I would like to announce,  First years please note, that the dark forest is forbidden, Also our caretaker Mr. Flitch has asked me to remind you that the third floor is forbidden to those who wish to not die a painful death. Thank you." I look at my grandfather he smiles at me. If you didn't catch on Flitch is my grandpa. "When I call your name, you'll come forth and I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger."
"Ah, right then, right. Gryffindor!
"Draco Malfoy!"
"Susan Bones!"
"Ronald Weasley!"
"Hanna Abbot!"
"Harry Potter?!"
"Hmm. Difficult very difficult. A pinch of courage I see not bad not bad. There's talent. And a thirst to prove yourself. Not Slytherin eh, then it better be Gryffindor!"
"Ally Sentairo!"
"Ahh hmm. Even more difficult. Your a half-Veela. Smart though. But will stand up to anyone if they mess with her friends. She is also sleek and sneaky. Very loyal. Hmm. GryffindorRavenclawSlytherinHufflepuff!"
"A real house! Please!" Dumbledore said.
"Hmm then, Ravffinheirpuff!"
"Come on sorting hat!"
"Then it better be GRYFFINDOR! Though she would have done great in all!"
My hair turned red with orange and yellow mixed in. Some twin started shouting, "WE GOT POTTER AND SENTAIRO!!" I sat next to Harry. I ate- stuffed down food. A ghost flew by. "I know you! Your Nearly Headless Nick!" Ron said. The ghost said, "I prefer Sir Nick." Hermione of course had to ask a question. "Nearly headless, how can you be nearly headless. "Like this." He pulled on his neck. I pushed my plate away.
"I'm not hungry anymore." I whine.
We walked up some moving stairs. There were paintings that could move. We soon entered a room that was red all over. The prefect who brought us here said,"Boys on your left girls on your right." That was my sort of day.

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