Chapter 4

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At  the break all the girls went to their usual lunch table right at the back but there was one catch...somebody was sitting at their table...

"Uhm , this is our table...we sit here everyday can you please move?" ash asked quite irritated.

"So you can't just sit with us I mean we do need some company" he handsome dude with a caramel toned skin asked.

"We can but you need to ask us first cuz this is totally not on", Chrissy said waving her finger in a circle motion.

"Aight, okay." said the dark handsome dude."May we please sit with yall pretty ladies?" he asked smiling at us

"Sure we will" Megan said smiling and then groaning in pain.

"Daniel. Stop kicking me!"

"Daniel you know this girl" the other dude asked

"Yeah she's my sister "he said rolling his eyes

"Man am i rude i never told yall my name. Well yall don't need to know my whole name ..just call me Karamel" he said smirking

"Why karamel?" ash asked

"Cuz the ladies said i taste like Karamel!"he said lifting his eyebrows up and down

"Eewww no! You have a Karamel skin tone" chrissy said

"Right" said karamel

" megan are you okay? " ash asked.

Megan stayed zoned out

"Megan!! Come on what's up witchu?" chrissy asked

"Oh no nothing just thinking " she said and put on a fake smile

"Oh--kay" Ash said trying to kill the awkward silence


Is he fine or is he FINE!!! He is like Gorgeous , pearly white teeth , a cute smile and a BANGING BODY !!! Lord only knows what I'm thinking right now. Karamel hmm not so bad . I wonder how soon i can get his number. Shouldn't be so hard, one of the few people who speak proper english unlike my stupid brother ...too ghetto! Anyway Karamel is speaking lemme answer with something super smart.

"So do any of you girls dance?" , he asked looking at the three of us.

"I DO! I mean yeah we dance ..and sing . What about you?"Megan said, hmmm not so smart but hey

"Oh? You guys think yall can show me some of your moves? I could really use some good dancers at the Summer Slam Concert.."he asked us with a little smirk, dude is taking my breath away!

"Yeah , no problem . We'll show you ...Afterschool you guys can come over to my house and We'll show you right girls?", Ash asked smiling

"Yeah !", Chrissy said with excitement in her voice.

"Megan?", Ash said trying to get her attention.

"Megan!! Why do you keep zoning out on us bruh? Wake up girl! Damn i can't keep up with you sometimes!" ,Ash exclaimed irritatedly

"Uhm and also i think you got...uhm ya know", Chrissy said showing her the side of her mouth.

"Are you drooling??!", Ash asked making a semi- surprised, semi- stank face.

"Why the heck are you so loud!!?", Chrissy said through gritted teeth, kicking Ash under the Table.

"Ow!!! Why would you do that?!", Ash said reaching for her ankle.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked Ash

"Yeah, I got it" Ash said getting up and limping out of the cafeteria.


We sat at our table and my eyes roamed the cafeteria and I spotted the girl from this morning...Ashleigh? Yeah her sitting and smiling with her girls and two guys . I wonder what they're talking about. I got up and pretended i had to throw something away in the trashcan nearby them. I heard yelling then i saw her wince in pain and stand up. She started limping out the cafeteria so i followed..maybe she's hurt. Okay not maybe, she's definitely hurt. So i'm gonna follow her.

"Hey!", yelled causing her to stop and look at me.

"Yeah uhm can you hurry I'm trying to get to the nurse my ankle hurts really bad", she yelled pain spread across he whole face.

"I can help you if you want i could give you a piggy back ride",i suggested

"Uhm i wanna say no but i really want the pain to go away so yes please", she said limping towards me before i stopped her.

"It's okay I'll walk over to you", i said walking up to her and lifting her legs of the floor pushing her up on my back.

"Thank you Pryce", she said sighing...

"You're welcome " i said carrying her all the way to the Nurse's office.


Nurse:I'll call your parents so that you can go home.

"No ma'am I'll be okay", ash said trying to give the nurse a reassuring smile.

"No I insist Ms. Sanchez your ankle is badly hurt.",she said walking out of her room to the office.

"Mahn now i can't dance later!", Ash said in a disappointed tone.

"You dance?" Pryce asked

"Yeah I do but i wanted to show Karamel our moves today and i can't" ash said looking down.

"Hey, you'll get better pretty soon", Pryce said smiling at her, she smiled back.

"Yeah , probably"

"Can I maybe get your number , you know just to for a new friendship's sake?" Pryce asked with hope in his eyes.

"Sure , no problem. You got a pen?" Ash asked .

"Yeah i got one", Pryce said digging in his pocket pulling out a black pen.

Ash wrote her number on his hand with a smiley face next to it.

"Thanks I'll text you later", Pryce said 

The door opened and in came the Nurse with some painkillers.

"You should take this everytime you feel any pain on your ankle its vital if you donkt it'll get much worse."she said scribbling on her clipboard.

Ash nodded her head

"Oh and your dad's on his way" , she said handing me the medication.


Ash looked really hurt . I feel bad i was just trying not to embarrass Megan seeing that she likes Karamel and saying she's drooling out loud is not cool but she looked very hurt. I walked out the cafeteria but was stopped in my tracks when i felt a tug on my arm. I looked at the persons hsnd then at the person and saw that it was Jawan.

"Hey." he said standing up to speak to me.

"Hi", i said back.

"Uhm i just wanted to return your pen" he said smirking and feeling his pockets.

"Do you even have it? Did you put my pen in your mouth by the way?", i asked raising my eyebrows

"Maybe. " he said smirking 

"Just kidding i didn't", he said handing it to me."you;re very pretty" he mentioned.

"Thanks Jawan", i smiled not knowing what to say back.

"Hey i need it for my next class, so. I'll see you again" , he smiled

"Are you sure you not stalking me?" i asked with a small chuckle.

"I might be but I'm just trying to get this pretty girl's number", he said looking at me.

I leaned up and spoke in his ear

" you're gonna have to try harder than that" i said and strutted out the cafeteria.

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