Chapter 7

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Later in the day Pryce had to go and Megan and Chrissy stayed . Chrissy mugged Pryce and Pryce sure did mug her self back! Megan just thought it was funny and said " I can't believe you acted like you never knew her"and laughed

"Mane that's cause i don't wanna know her...I was just having some fun" he said smirking

"You're not very nice" Chrissy said 

"Neither are you remember you always beating me with your stuff...and i know I'm buff and stuff- ooh wait that rhymed but why am I saying that it's what i do. Okay back to the subject almost everyone knows your my sister...but Ashleigh and K." he said

"Well how about i go tell Ashleigh right now since i see you trying to make my friend your little girlfriend!" she said about to stand up.

"She will be my girlfriend, she luh me and i swear if you make it up to those stAirs i will hurt you" he said looking at her seriously

"She doesn't wanna see you bout' i break your ankle? That was wrong mane leave my girl alone you're going to irritate her" he said making his way to the door.

"She's not your girlfriend YET freaken baboon , you irritate me you know just get out ." Chrissy said. She was mad that she caused a whole mess that she can't fix Ashleigh's over night.

"I'm out fool " he said walking out the door.


Me and Chrissy are just sitting in Ashleigh's living room thinking of how to go and apologize to her because we know she might cry...which she never does or she might get loud with us and sh's not easy..

"So what are you gonna say to her?" I said.

"I don't know what I'm gonna say, it'll come out when I get there"she said texting on her phone.

"Okay since you're busy" i emphasised busy and rolled my eyes " I will go and speak to her first" I said standing up and heading up the stairs . I knocked on the door and slowly walked in and saw her laughing at the tv and smiling at her phone.

"Hey" I said nervously.

"Hi" she replied texting on her phone 

"Um I'm here to apologize and I'm not gonna say I know how you feel because i don't . I know drooling over a boy isn't something I usually do but me drooling got your ankle hurt and I'm sorry" i concluded

"You're sorry for drooling or you're sorry for being the cause of my pain?" she asked.

"Both actually . I never wanted you to get hurt..." i said 

"Right now who's idea was the dancing thing at my house? " she asked

"Yours" I said looking down.

"And who didn't get to do it at the end of the day? Me and now yall are super excited about the Summer Slam concert while I have to sit on my ass all day cause I'm restricted to move around. It's all good tho' I forgive you" she said looking at me.

I hugged her and said "sorry" again and left the room because i had to go home .

Downstairs Chrissy was in the exact same poition i left her in! I just said bye to her and walked out the door.


I was busy chatting up a storm with Jawan when 

Megan came down the stairs and said bye before walking out the door. I then remembered i owe Ashleigh an apology so i went upstairs and knocked on her door and she never answered so i just walked in slowly. She was smiling while texting someone looking up at the tv now and then. I stood by the door and spoke.

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