Chapter 3

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The girls went to school and went off to their seperate classes...


 I went to my first class, which was Chemistry . A new teacher that came last week decided that since he took a week to get to know us he is gonna assign us new seats •rolls eyes• super unnecessary. Anyway I sat somewhere you could the middle of the middle row...i know weird.

"Alright class who doesnt have a partner?" , Mr Spencer asked as he lifted his glasses up his nose.

I lazily lifted my arm not really wanting anybody next to me but i didnt have a choice .

"Well Kristin can sit next to Jasmine and Jawan go sit next to Christal", mr Spencer said pointing in my direction.

I hesitantly took my belongings on the table next to me and put them on my table eyeing the dude who's supposed to sit next to me . I caught a glimpse of him and looked back at the board then quickly snapped my head quickly back at him. He was SO handsome . He was darkskinned and built to keep! He snapped me out of my thoughts and i noticed i was staring .

"Hey Christal,right?" ,he asked me raising an eyebrow.

"Right! And you are?" , I asked Pretending i never already knew .

"Jawan, Jawan Harris ." he said holding his hand out for me to shake.

I took his hand and shook it and tried focuzing on the work i had to do. Which was a whole bunch of notes. I heard shuffling next to me and then heard him sigh exasperatingly.

"Hey do you have an extra pen to borrow me? Mine is just mysteriously lost..." he asked me looking down at my shorter size to him.

"Uhm, yeah sure." i said digging in my backpack pulling out a pen and handing it to him." Don't forget to return it." i said continuing my work when i heard

"I wouldn't miss not giving it to you just to see your face again" he mumbled although Chrissy heard him clearly, smirking 

"You won't miss it you'll see me everyday." i said like it was nothing but i was blushing so hard on the inside.

Jawan just nervously sunk into his chair evidently blushing, then continuing to write his notes.


I was walking to my Biology class in a hurry cuz my hair wasnt right and i know what you thinking but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do• shrugs•. I ran out of the bathroom and speed walked to class while tweeting something and then BAM! A chica bumped into someone so hard .

"Cuidado!(watch out) ", i yelled my hispanic side coming out real strong. "Estàs bien?(are you okay?)" i asked 

"Excuse me?" the person asked looking apologetic and confused.

"Uhm I'm so sorry I nev--" i was cut off by the really cute dude i just bumped into.

"Nah you cool, I'm sorry for bumping into you. Are you okay?" he asked standing up and holding his hand out for ne to grab onto.

I grabbed his hand and stood up.

"I'm fine I'm okay " i said standing frozen taking in his attractive features .

We stood in silence until i Realised i was staring at him and he seemed to be staring back at i came back to reality .

"I gotta go" i said running to class.

"Wait i didn't get your name" ,he said gently pulling me back and we were chest to chest . I wouldnt say too close for comfort cause I was feeling that good so close to him and he smelled real good!

"My name's Ashleigh" , i said looking at him

"Ashleigh, right I gotta remember that" he said looking down at me...hey the dude was a freaking skyscrapper

"Look I'm really late for class I have to go..." ,i said making a hand gesture showing that i wanted to know his name 

"Pryce. Pryce Watkins" he said 

"You didn't have to tell me your surname." i said slowly backing away from him

"I just felt like you needed to know" he said watching me intensively

"Uhhh yeah , bye" i said running to class

"Hey you forgot" he mentioned a little too late for me to turn back


I was in calculus class calculating(lol i know). And i was texting the girls and Ashleigh Mysteriously disappeared ..•shrugs• this is starting to creep me Big time! Somebody's looking at me and i don't know who it is and its scary and annoying. I went back to writing and snapped my head in the left direction and saw who it was. He looked new, or maybe i just never saw him before . Anyway when i looked he smiled and winked at me. He was cute so i smiled back and continued my work. Soon i felt Reneé tap my shoulder with a piece of paper. Hmm let's see , i opened it and it read "hey , you're very beautiful" . I looked back at the dude and saw him smiling. I smirked and Replied "Thank you! You are not to bad yourself" i passed it back and it came again"do you mind telling me your name?" it read. I replied"megan" and continued working. The first block ended and i was about to leave class when i heard an unfamiliar voice call my name.

"Megan!" , the voice called and i saw it was cutie express 

"Hey",i smiled making him smile.

"Hey ,uhm i really wanna get to know you , maybe we can sit at a table togetherr OR you could give me your number", he asked with hope in his eyes.

"Sure I don't see a problem ", i wrote my number on his hand.

"The first beautiful girl who isn't mean. You sure you didn't just fly down from heaven?" , he asked

"Yeah i'm pretty sure, why " i blushed

"Because you're and angel" he sd making me smile

"You seem really good at making me smile..."

"Dylan", he said as he winked and started walking away...

Damn he is Confident and handsome. .most probably smart...all of that equals my future!


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