Chapter 1

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Shenandoah's POV.

The sun signaled the start of a dreadful day. Monday morning was mental torture for any High school student.

The blinding sun shone through my black closed curtains, I tried covering myself with my black covers, failed attempt, I almost died. I heard footsteps approaching my door, getting louder and louder. It sounded like heels, I knew it was my sister, coming to give me the usual' Monday Wake Up Call ' 

I didn't bother to act like I was asleep, the quicker and earlier I started the day, hopefully the quicker it will go. I said hopefully.

"Shenandoah, wake up!" She shrieked as she flicked the light, nearly blinding me.

"Okay Carmody, I am up." I grumbled as I crawled our of my bed. My toes touched the cold wooden floor, sending shivers up my spin.

She immediately left my room with a door bang. That was the usual everday. I slipped my slippers on, gliding my feet across the wooden floor to my bedroom. I checked my watch in the bathroom, it read 7:12 am. I had exactly 15 minutes to get ready, before Carmody came yelling like a maniac again. I let out a little giggle from the thought, as I placed my toothbrush on my teeth. As I brushed my teeth I tries thinking of anything but school.
I then remembered that my parents had said something special was happening today -actually tonight, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I just shuddered it off, if I don't remember, it means it wast important.

I walked into my room, trying to make up an outfit to wear, whilst I put my hair in a messy ponytail.

I finally came up with something. I walked into my walk-in closet. Quickly grabbing the black and red stripped dress. I hated my closet, why did a girl need so many cloths. I just didn't understand, but on the other hand my sister loved her closet, she could just stay in there looking at her clothing. She has every kind of colour clothing, you could think of. After sliding on the dress, I put on black sneakers and a black wristband. I put on white earnings and a white necklace.

I grabbed my bag -that I packed before I slept - and slang it over my right shoulder. I walked down the grand spiral staircase, reaching the end with a thud.

"Shenandoah, can you at least put an effort in looking good." Carmody asked as she grabbed her car keys, I just rolled my eyes as I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the marble kitchen counter. I strutted out the door, not bothering to say a come back to my sister.

I loved her to bits, but sometimes she makes me feel ..... sorta...inferior. She has a great body, no tattoos, piercings, she has an hourglass figure, she has a killer boyfriend, who I am yet to see. She has everything, she is every girls nightmare, every boys dream and every parents wish.

Me on the other hand, had 2 tattoos, 3 piercings, I didn't have the greatest body, I did okay in school. I was basically every guys average girl, every girls 'no competition'girl, and every parents worst nightmare.

"Shenandoah! Get in the car. Stop daydreaming!" I just got in before she had a hissy fit. I placed my bag on my lap, while closing the passengers door.

Carmody appalled a fresh layer of lip gloss, then pulled out of the drive way and into the road.
The dive was going well -total silence- until I remembered what I had to ask Carmody.

"What is happening tonight?" I decided to ask out of the blue as we neared my personal HELL hole. She sighed, but kept her eyes on the road.
"Really Shenandoah?" She asked in a disappointed tone. Like I was supposed to know what was happening. Its not my fault I have memory loss.

"What? I really don't know." I responded as I turned my head to the side, facing my disappointed sister.

"The Anniversary party." Her' Duh' tone was very annoying.

I immediately felt bad for forgetting my parents anniversary. They were turning 20 today and I totally forgot.
"Do I have to go?" I really am not the partying type, I would rather side in a quiet corner and read a book.

"Yes, yes you do." She was getting angry, her usual character. But it is understandable, when they turned 10 , I had a good enough excuse to be able to stay at home. I had magically become sick. And I had an "assignment" due the next day.

This time ....there was no getting out.
"Ohh and I am picking you up early, before the school day ends. So no sport." The only extra mural activity I liked was hokey, like you get to take out your anger on a ball with a stick that can hurt someone. Who wouldn't love that. I looked at her like she was crazy.

We had reached school already and we were parked out side the administration office. The bell was gonna ring in 20 minutes.

"I need a new dress." I just shook my head as I grabbed my bag and exited the car.  

^ Elizabeth here, I hope people like this.^

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