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You were added to the conversation

Alannah.styles: hi!
Alannah.styles: I am the author, and I will appear randomly through out this book and in the chats
Alannah.styles: this book is in the style of texting, so if you don't like that bye

Alannah.styles removed haters from the conversation

Alannah.styles: for those of you who stayed, I have a warning
Alannah.styles: this book may include awful jokes by harry, terrible puns in general, things that may hurt the fangirl heart (Zayn), and things that may offend other fandoms (Taylor swift jokes etc.)
Alannah.styles: please comment on all my chapters, I really enjoy the feed back

Alannah.styles added louist91 to the conversation
Alannah.styles added harrystyles to the conversation
Alannah.styles added fakeliampayne to the conversation
Alannah.styles added niallhoran to the conversation

Alannah.styles: anything to say to our new readers boys?
niallhoran: new phone who dis
louist91: buy no control on iTunes
fakeliampayne: it's on like donkey kong

niallhoran named the conversation "SQUAD"

Alannah.styles: where's harry
harrystyles: knock knock

louist91 left the conversation
niallhoran left the conversation
fakeliampayne left the conversation
Alannah.styles left the conversation

harrystyles: :/
harrystyles: that happens a lot
harrystyles: enjoy the book :)
harrystyles: All the love x

harrystyles left the conversation

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