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"Mani, you sure you're gonna be ok?" we were in the master bedroom, Adonis decided on a spontaneous date night, and I need to start getting ready.

"I am capable of watching my little brother, you know?"

"I know, but he is my child, and if you don't want to do this, let me know."

"I understand all of that, but we're close, so it's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Mom, when was the last time you and dad went out without either one of us?"

"Uh..." I've actually never been out without my children, and we all know, I panic when they aren't in my sight. I've chilled on Mani, so it's really Ant I'm worried about.

"Exactly, and don't panic we're completely fine here. Nonno and Nanny are only a phone call away if we need anything. And besides, dad teaches us survival skills every summer, remember?"

She was right, Adonis has taught both of them how to hold their own in case of anything, Mani has even learned to disable a gun, of course Ant hasn't learned everything she has, but he can fight just as well as someone twice his age. They're both in boxing and Ant is also in karate. Even though we've moved, we're still pretty close to my dad, and Adonis bought his mom a house here, and although she still has her house in New Orleans, she spends most of her time here, close to two of her sons and 4 of her grandchildren. Since Alex lives in Cali as well.

I sighed. "Ok, call me if you two need anything or if something happens."

"No, I'll call dad, you tend to panic and go overboard. And don't call us. Uncle Terrance is always watching."

I sometimes forget about Big T, the 'security' Adonis hired. I don't even see why we need him, don't get me wrong, he isn't a bad person, and I don't get a bad vibe from him. But Adonis is clearly more than capable of protecting his family, and we aren't necessarily in a position to need a bodyguard.

"Ok, fine. But text me if the two of you leave at least."

"Deal, now go get ready, dad will be mad if he finds out you aren't ready." she laughed and left the room.

I shook my head, and went to find something to wear on this date, I don't even know where we're going, so how am I supposed to dress?

No, point in calling him, he won't give me any details about anything. And he isn't the most credible stylist, so no use in asking for his opinion on what to wear. Ugh! This is so depressing. I've never not known what to wear. Maybe another hot shower will help...


"My daddy said you need to be ready in 15 minutes." Ant came into the room while I was choosing between outfits, I picked out 5, and couldn't choose what to wear.

"Well tell your daddy, it would help if I knew what type of environment I should dress for." he ran out, and I continued to internally battle myself over my wardrobe choice.

Too bad clothes can't play paper, scissors, rock. Oh God, that was a really childish thought. My phone rung, so I answered while still looking over choices.

"The fuck takin so long, put on a damn outfit, and bring ya ass." I rolled my eyes, as soon as his voice came through the phone.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where we're going, or at least what type of environment."

"Oh, that's what Ant was tryna say. Just look nice, man Ion know how ta explain this."

"Whatever." I hung up, and decided on an outfit. It was simple, and I thought it would be suitable for any type of 'date'.

I slipped some flats and my phone in my purse, and walked out the bedroom door. I peeped in Ant's room, and he wasn't in there, so I went to Mani's and they weren't in there either. This is why I hate this big ass house, too many rooms to choose from. Game room, I guess. I walked in and they were playing NBA 2k, of course.

"I'm leaving, but I'll be back. Ant, be good." I warned, and he looked at me with a wide smile, mischievous ass.

"I'll call dad if I have any problems." Mani stated, and I nodded.

"Love you, we'll be back soon." I kissed them both on their foreheads and they told me they loved me too.

I walked out, and went into the kitchen just to make sure they would have something to eat, surprisingly an entire meal had been prepared. Should've known, Adonis has been cooking more often this year.

I went to the front door, where Don was standing on his phone obviously annoyed. I shrugged, and walked closer to the door, he finally looked up.

"Bout time." he stuffed his phone in his pocket, and walked out. What's his issue? It's something deeper than me running a little behind.

When we got in the car, I decided to ask him what was wrong, but he ignored me as if I wasn't talking to him. I hate that, I find it very disrespectful. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but tell me that instead of ignore me. I don't even see why he's doing it, he's the same way, had I been ignoring him, it would've been world war 3 in this car.

"Don't do this petty shit, Adonis." I spoke up when he stopped at a traffic light.

He looked at me, with a pissed expression before turning back to the road.

"Ok, fine, don't talk to me, but if this is how you're gonna act, we can go back home." I huffed and looked out the passenger side window. I'm not even in the mood to do anything except go to sleep, now.


"Get up." I felt Adonis shaking me. I swatted his hands away before getting up. I don't know how long I've been sleep, but we're back at home. I sighed and got out the car.

"You guys are back early, what happened?" Mani asked as soon as I stepped foot back into the house.

"I don't know, where's Ant?"

"He just went to sleep. I was about to go shoot around outside with Brayden for a little bit, if that's ok with you and dad."

"Yeah, just don't go too far, it is dark out." She nodded and walked out.

Brayden has been Mani's best friend since they met in 1st grade, and since the two of them share a passion for basketball, I have a feeling they will soon be the next Monica and Quincy. Adonis, however, hadn't like their friendship since they were old enough to understand what it meant to have feelings for the opposite sex. Brayden was actually one of the guys who showed Mani how to play.

I walked upstairs and began to strip out of my clothes in preparation for bed. First date night in a while, and it was perfect. Peep the sarcasm. I wonder what the hell got into Adonis, he had been snappy all day, but when he suggested a date night, I thought he was over it, guess I was wrong.

"You let your daughter go outside with that boy."

"Yes, I did. I don't know what your problem is, but I'm going to need for you to not talk to me like you've lost your damn mind. Mani and Brayden have been best friends since they were 6, and it's not uncommon for them to play ball together, she's knows what time to be back in the house, and I trust that she will be back at that time. There are only 2 places they are playing, in our backyard or down the street in his. So calm down, and watch your fucking attitude." I laid back on the bed, before I thought about something else. "And last I checked she was your daughter too, so don't start with that bullshit either." I laid down again, but I heard something I'd never thought I'd hear him say.

"Not what I heard..." he said and before I knew it, I had blacked out.

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