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We were outside playing basketball, somewhat. We were kind of playing 21 questions with a twist. He asked me questions about him, and if I got it wrong, I had to do some weird trick shot. And vice versa.

"Am I a virgin?" He asked, and I honestly didn't know.

"I don't know, guess not."

"I am. Half court, shoot it backwards." I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Natalie explained in great detail her 'Bray Experience' in the girls bathroom to anyone who would listen. I just so happened to have already been in the stall then." I walked to the half court line.

"Nah, that's why we broke up. She was fucking around with some dudes from the football team."

I turned around and shot the ball, hoping I made it.

"What y'all out'chea doin?" Dad asked like it wasn't obvious.

"You ruined it! We were just about to perform a striptease for each other." I playfully shrieked.

"Get'cha ass beat, hea? Anyway, I'm bout ta take Ant ta Alex house, if Gabby thea she'a prolly come back wit me. Ya mama in the office."

"Ok. See you when you get back." He walked back in the house.

"Soooo about this striptease..."

I gave him a straight face. "It was a joke, don't get your hopes up."

"Not yet anyway. But you do owe me a kiss." He smirked.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"You can't even make that shot facing the basket, how you make it turned away from it?"

"Ok, fine." I walked up to him, and he leaned his face down to my height. I smirked and kissed his cheek. "There you go."

"That's foul. Can we go get something to eat, now?"

"Yeah. Where?"

"Don't worry about that, go get dressed, be ready at 2." He kissed my forehead before leaving. I shook my head and walked in the house to get dressed.


"Where you going?" Mom asked when she saw me dressed.

"Lunch with Bray, I was coming to ask."

"Its fine with me, just don't get in no trouble."

"We won't."

"Before you go, how do you honestly feel about him?" She asked which caught me off guard.

"Uh... I really like him, we've been friends for about 10 years, so of course the feelings are there, I just don't want us to go down that road and then our friendship gets ruined in the process."

"Do you know why I gave your dad another chance?"

"No, not really." I was confused, where is this going?

"Yes, your dad did hurt me. But in the midst of everything, we had an irreplaceable friendship, a bond no one could destroy, not even us. He told me earlier that I couldn't replace him if I tried, and he's right. Our friendship was worth saving, and because of that we have a beautiful relationship for the most part, but every relationship has problems."

"So, if he asks, you think I should go for it?" I bit my lip.

"I think you should let your heart decide, because your brain tends to over think things." I nodded in understanding.

"Ok. I'll take your advice. Will you and dad actually be telling us the story of you guys' teenage years?"

"I'm not sure, your dad is an open book, me on the other hand, not so much."

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