1: Quinn.

570 37 2

- Anonymous

I stir in anticipation as I wait for the meeting to begin; a mixture of excitement and fear overcomes me as I look around the room. The walls are painted grey, with a single landscape painting hanging from the wall on my right. Below it is a modern, white cabinet topped with glasses and many bottle filled with various liquor. In the centre of the room is a long glass table, seating ten on either side and one at each end. Beyond the men sat opposite me is a large window allowing the room to be filled with light. I sit furthest away from the top of the table, where the man himself will be sat.

By pure luck I sit here amongst these men, ordered in for my knowledge of the situation. I get a sense of giddiness sitting with the most powerful and feared men in not only London but the whole country. Just being a part of the gang itself means people fear you in every way. I glance at each man, thinking about each reputation they hold. I can't help but cower back in fear as I recognise each man and what they are individually capable of. These men have done some vicious acts in their lives – working for the gang. While I have done nothing as ruthless as them, now that I sit at this table, I know that one day I will only become as ferocious as them. Each facial expression is another nightmare that will keep you lying awake till the crack of dawn.

I reach out for the glass in front of me, taking a large gulp hoping it will calm my nerves. Without a doubt, I'm sure they can smell the fear radiating off of me.

Suddenly, the door opens and Harry marches in. His loud footsteps catch the attention of every man in the room, bringing it to silence. All eyes are trained on him while Niall trails behind closing the door and takes the seat to the left of Harry.

Rather sitting in his own seat, at the head of the table, he moves the chair back. Then moves forward close enough to the table to rest both of his palms on it. He looks around the room, nodding at certain people as he goes along. When his eyes meet mine he holds them for a second before nodding and moving on.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as I look around at the unfazed men. Didn't they see? Harry Styles nodded at me!


I'm nothing but a low ranking drug dealer and now informer. But now, I get the nod! It may seem stupid, ridiculous to get so excited over something so simple but it means he likes you. Or at least acknowledges you which is most likely what happened.

After collecting myself (once again) I prepare myself for the task at hand. And the ever growing problem we are getting from the South.

For years London had many smaller gangs running small parts of the city. Then over time they grew into four prominent gangs. The North, South, East and West. They were each run by powerful families, who somehow got along. Until, they turned on one another and war broke out between the families. The North being the strongest took the West and the East readying to go head to head against the even stronger Westminster-Knight family.

Though that's the way it stayed for many years, till loss of important lives on either side brought the war to a halt. An agreement was made and signed meaning neither would interfere with each other's business.

However, as time has moved on boundaries have been pushed and it's time to act against the same agreement that both leaders once signed.

"So ... they've taken Oasis now." Doug hesitantly says, starting off the meeting. A couple men groan while others wait to see how Harry will react. As expected Harry smashes his hand down - in anger - on the table before turning his back to everyone.

Harry may have a slight anger problem, but it's completely justified. Oasis is a wild, egotistical party animal whose idea of a successful week is having party's every night where he gets high, laid and drunk off his head. Selling him drugs is a daily deal and will most defiantly be a loss to us.

"This is going to be a hard hit for us financially, Harry." Doug says confirming what every man in the room was most defiantly thinking. He looks down momentarily at the various pieces of paper scattered out in front of him.

Doug serves as a sort of account for the business side of the gang. Though he wasn't always like this, many years ago he apparently killed the people who he owed money too. After he had he had a unlucky time and lost tens of thousands at the poker table. Harry then stood in and offered Doug protection in return he takes care of the numbers.

"Fück! H, I swear. I talked to him last week and he told me, he said that he would never buy from the Westminster-knight's. He hates them for what they did, for Christ sake!" Zayn moans, slamming his fist down on the table.

"Fücking hell! I can't deal with them for much longer!" Harry bellows turning back around to face everyone at the table. "Someone better come up with a f*cking idea to fix all of this shït!"

"Look, if I try talking with Oasis again?" Zayn answers, turning to reason with Harry.

Of course, of all the men here at this table Zayn would be able to fix the problem - like all the rest before. He can change someone's mind not just because of his charismatic ways but because he is one of the cruellest men here. If he can't charm you to do what he wants, he'll beat you into submission. Though, he holds nothing over Harry. Who is the cruellest man here.

"Forget Oasis." Harry groans, pulling the chair back to the table. He then takes a seat after picking up his glass from the table and taking a sip of the strong liquor inside. "Every time I'd see his face, I'd just want to kill him even more then I usually do." With that a couple men around the table laugh and Harry cockily grins into his glass.

"Harry, I'm sorry but he's our biggest customer. I don't think you understand how much we will lose." Doug mumbles, raising his head from the scattered papers.

"Fine." Harry puts a hand up in defeat while putting back down the glass in the other. "Zayn, he's all yours." As the words leave Harry's lips a sinister smiles stretches across Zayn's face. Quickly Zayn pulls out his phone, typing away, as if he can't wait to get started. "But I want to go after the source." Harry smirks as everyone looks at him in disbelief.

Suddenly, the room is filled with noise as all the men turn to one another to discuss ideas and what the upcoming event will really mean. The W-K's are old money with the same amount of territory as us in the North; as well as more men and better weaponry. I guess the reason the war had stopped before was out of pure luck.

After a couple minutes of the men discussing ides (while I sit alone, playing with the end of my shirt) Louis raises his voice, addressing all the men in the room. "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Louis cockily says, leaning back in his chair watching Harry.

"Well isn't that what you lovely lot are here for?" Harry says smugly putting Louis back in his place. Harry then copies Louis' previous actions and leans back in his chair, wiping the smug look off of Louis' face.

"With so much power we need to make them weak, distract William himself and attack!" Niall announces to everyone.

"And how shall we do that?" Harry asks.

"We could threaten him?" Weston brainstorms.


"Destroy his supply chain?"


"Take out his top advisers?"


The room falls silent as people take the time to think of worthy answers to ask Harry. So I take this as my chance to speak up. "What about his daughter?"

"Huh?" Harry asks, sitting up in his chair. I prepare myself this time to say it louder so everyone can hear me.

"His daughter?"

"Ahhhh, the girl ... I don-" Harry hesitates. "Actually you know what, yeah! What do we know about her?"

I almost laugh to myself because the real question is what don't I know. Isn't she the reason I'm here? "Well for starters, her name is Quinn."

"Quinn." Harry repeats.

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