5: Scream.

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- Quinn

"Quinn! Go straight to bed now!" My father demands as he gets out of the car.

Ever since him and Oasis came back from their little chat my father has been in a foul mood. Once he had finished his food he was done, ready to go without waiting for anyone else. Rather acknowledging him, I march into the house bypassing Foster who stands just inside the door.

Once I too came back from the bathroom, following behind Poppy, Foster became annoyed. Simply for talking to her, am I that much of a prisoner that I cannot talk to anyone except the family.

As I march up the stairs, I hear a set of footsteps following behind me. I turn my head to see Foster getting closer behind while Oliver casually walks up the stairs behind. Looking ahead, I increase my pace trying to create space between Foster and I.

I'm just so sick of it! Sick of it all!

Why couldn't I be a nobody? Why couldn't I live a simple life, where my father goes to work while my mother stays at home and looks after my siblings and I. Why couldn't I have siblings? A sister I could talk about everything with and a brother who would protect me to the end. I could be at school studying to be a; doctor, lawyer, vet, accountant or a teacher. I could of had a boyfriend who would come around for Sunday dinner, and got along with my family. I could have a part time job while in school; somewhere where I could save money and try to get my own place. I could have a pet; a dog of my own.

But I didn't get that life; I got this one.

As I get to the top of the stairs, a hand takes a hold of my shoulder using a subtle amount of force to stop me from moving away. Using his hand, he pulls me around to face him. He looks slightly pissed still but I'm sure my face is a picture as well.

"He's not mad at you, we just have to have a very important meeting." He says, ignoring our own anger. Foster turns, calling up Oliver to the top of the stairs alongside us. "Go to her room with her, and stay there till I come up later!" He orders.

Oliver nods, moving to stand by my side while Foster lets me go, returning down the stairs. I swiftly turn back around, making my way back to my room, ignoring Oliver as I walk ahead. As we turn down a corridor, Oliver does something similarly to what Foster does when we're alone. His shoulders fall becoming more relaxed, his pace slows down not taking such heavy steps and a small smile replaces the corpse like expression on his face.

He walks beside me casually rather in front or behind, as we turn the final corridor he reaches for the light switch, turning it on. Rather walking ahead, in my mood, I stop waiting for Ollie. He turns back to me, giving me his full attention as he waits for me to speak, "Do you mind getting me a glass of milk?" I ask.

Ever since I was young when I was upset or being moody, my mother would come up to my room with a glass of milk and open arms ready to give me a warm hug. We'd gossip about the other members wives, making fun of them till tears streamed down my face.

Moments like these are when I miss her the most. I live in a man's world where being soft and kind is looked upon as being weak. A side some will only show when we are alone, like Foster and Oliver.

"Of course! I'll be back in a minute." Oliver responses, quickly turning around back towards the staircase.

I watch him as he leaves before turning back down the corridor. I take it slow giving Oliver more time to come back as I don't really want to be alone for long. As I reach for the door, I notice light coming through under the door.

Slowly I open the door, taking a quick glimpse inside. The room is dark except for light which seems to be coming from my wardrobe. Opening it further I feel a cold gust of wind reach me causing goose bumps to rise over my skin. I look over towards my balcony doors, spotting one of the slightly open.

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