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I transformed back into my human form and walked in my house.

"Nate hurry up and get dressed so I can take you to school!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay!" I yelled back, running upstairs to my room.


"I can't belive you saw a vampire in the woods. The Alpha would kill her with out a thought." Kevin said as we walked threw the court yard and twords the school.

"Keep your voice down, we don't want the humans hearing." I warned.

"Okay" Kevin agreed as we walked threw the parking lot.

"Hey Kevin, Nate, look over there." Carlos said running over to us and pointing to a person on a moder cycle ridding into the parking lot.

"Woh, we have to be friends with that dude, if we want to be popular. You know." Kevin said as we watched the dude park.

We were getting ready to walk over to him, when he slipped off his helmet.

"Not a dude!" Carlos said.

The girl had wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a white shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans.

Wait I know that face.

"Kevin!! Thats the vampire I saw in the woods." I said turning to him.

He looked at me in shock then back to the girl.

"Alpha!" He said his eyes growing bigger.

I looked back over to the girl to see the Alpha walking over to her.

I squinted my eyes and lisened closely to them.

"What are you doing here?" The Alpha asked.

"You said I could live here if I didn't touch those stupid humans and your pups. And if I kill every vampire that comes here. This seems to be the best place they'd think about coming." She anwsered.

"Fine, but remember the deal." He said, before walking off.

I stopped listening and looked at the guys.

"Kevin, the Alpha is letting her live here if she doesn't touch the humans and us. She is also here to kill off the vampires that have been attacking us." I said.

"What vampire would kill there own kind?" Kevin asked.

"Do you mean half vampire?" Someone said from behind me.

I jumped as I turned around to see the vampire.

"Wait your half vampire!" Carlos said and she nodded.

"What else are you?" Kevin asked.

"Witch" she smirked before walking pass us and into the school.

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