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I walked threw the hallway to the only room with the door open. I walked in it and was shocked. The whole room was painted a dark blue with dragons flying, painted around it.

In the room was a large stero with sound boards around it. There was a couch against a wall and a dresser. I saw Alex sitting on the couch petting Eragon.

"Nice room" I complemented.

"Thanks" She anwsered.

It was a awkward silence for a little bit, till I couldn't hold my question in any longer.

"Can I join you in fighting off the vampires?" I blurted out.

She jumped at the sudden question and looked at me weird.

"Sure, but your gonna need some trainin'." She anwsered.

"Really?" I asked suprised she said yes.

"Yeah, I could use some help by someone who knows the area. Meet me here tomorrow after school. " she said getting up and walking over to me. Eragon on her shoulder watching me closely.

"Okay see you then." I said before walking out the house and saying goodbye to Sky.


I walked into my house and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna come home a little bit late for the next couple days if you don't mind." I said grabbing an apple.

"Why?" She asked.

"Uhm, I met a girl at school who is helping me in gym class." I lied.

"Awesome, you were never really good at that class." My mom anwsered.

"Hey!" I said insulted.

"Sorry baby, but its the truth." My mom confessed.

I just rolled my eyes and ran up to my room.

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