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Once we both got into positions, we started.

I attacked first with a right kick, but Alex easily dodged it and returned the attack, nocking me off balance.

With not a second hesitation she swung her arm and had the stake at my neck. I looked at her worriedly, but not afraid.

"You need to be quick and never hesitate. Ignore all fear, we can sense that." She advised, I nodded as we started again.

She striked first at my feet, but I quickly jumped over her leg and ran at her. I was able to tackle her to the ground and hold her arms down with my hands and legs down with my knees.

"Gotcha!" I smirked.

"Never get over confident. " she said as she head butted me, making me swing backwards and onto the ground.

"Ouch" I said rubbing my forhead.

"We have hard sculls." She said lending a hand to help me up.

"I can see that." I anwsered jumping up.

"Okay, here take this. Just incase you run into a vampire and need it in emergency. " Alex said handing me a small bottle filled with a clear liquid.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Vervain, a vampire strongest weakness. We can't stand the smell of it and it burns our skin." She explained.

"Does it hurt you?" I asked.

"Yes, just as bad as it does other vampires. That's why I'm very cautious around it." She repplied.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at school." I said grabbing my bag, putting the bottle in it and running off.

I did a quick turn around and looked at Alex to see her hand swipe under her eyes.

I huffed, knowing I was already pretty late. I'll ask her tomorrow at school.

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