Umm Hi

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Wednesday morning at school. Middle of the week, where I'm just dreading for the weekend to come. Today's outfit was a very layback kinda outfit. I had on some roots grey sweatpants and a Nirvana sweatshirt. And as for my hair, it's just in a messy top knot. Nothing special!

Walking to Algebra, with a big stack of books im supposed to return to Ms. Jeremiah ( the Algebra teacher), someone knocks me over and all the books come tumbling down on to the ground. I look up to see a brown curly haired boy that's long, on his knees picking up the books, "My bad," he says with a British accent, "Should have watched where I was going!"

"No worries," I say looking into his eyes.

"Oh maybe I could just ask you!" He smiles.

"Ask me? Ask me w-what?" I sat stumbling upon my words.

"Umm first day here", he says adding a giggle," I need to know how to get to my first class."

"Oh yeah for sure, I can help. Where you going?" I say with smile.

He finishes stacking the books in my hand and I stand up. "Umm," he checks a piece of paper, " Algebra."

"Oh me too," Oh my lord I am freaking out, "You can just walk with me!"

"Sounds good!" We start down the hallway.

"So what your name?" I ask not looking at his face.

"You don't know my name!?" He gives me weird look.

I laugh, "No I don't, why would I know a strangers name?"

"Well, looks like your not a fan of boy bands," he looks down on my sweatshirt, "except Nirvana."

"Well actually I'm not fan of Nirvana either, just like the sweatshirt," I look up at him, "Names Samantha, but you can call me Sam or Sammy."

"Well Sammy, my name is Harry. Harry Styles, recognize it?" He glances at me.


"One direction? I'm Harry, in the band? Rings a bell?" He smirks.

"No fucking way! Does that explain all the girls staring at you? If so, why aren't they running to you?"

"Their not allowed"


"Principal Cullins forbid them!"

We both laugh in unison.

"Then why are you talking to me?"

"Coz I can talk to anybody, but not as Harry the famous British singer. I can talk as Harry just another kid at school tho!"

We laugh again.

"Well here we are! This is Algebra!"

"Thanks Sammy, " he kisses my temple.

I look at him, "Your a charmer alright!"

"Fuck yeah!" We laugh. I walk to my seat and Harry asks if it's take in.

"No I'm lonely as fuck, only got one friend!"

"Make that two," he smiles at me.

The next time I saw him, was at lunch. I wouldn't mind if he sat with me, but he would be the one to come to me. I found a spot where I sit now everyday. It's a small round table in the corner of the room. No one sits there because 2 years ago, a kid named Kaydo Cantin puked all over the table. It's weird, but everyone avoids that corner. They say the smell still lies there. But it doesn't even make sense!

I decided on a ham and cheese sandwich with a bottle of water. Harry catches my attention as he sits down next to me.

"Mind if I join you?" He smiles.

"No, no. Please sit," I smile back, "Like I said, I'm lonely as fuck."

"Not when I'm around." He laughs.

I look at his tray, "Mac n cheese."

"Yeah, don't know what's good here. So I just tried this. It's not bad"

I laugh.

"You know, I really like you Sammy."

I look into his eyes, " First day of school for you, and you've already found someone you like." I laugh.

Harry puts a hand on my shoulder, "I really do Sammy. "

I look back at him, "I do too," I smile, "but let's take it slow, coz before you know, there'll be girls throwing rocks at my window. Or sending some rude texts." I laugh. He joins in and we laugh in unison.

The bells rings.we both stand up and gather our things. Harry kisses my cheek and whispers into my ear, "I like you a lot, and we'll take it slow," he pulls away, "See you around Williams."

He walks away, and my heart flutters. Harry Styles just kissed my cheek. Oh my god! Wait a minute! No come on, Sam. Falling for a British teenage boy with dreamy eyes. Can't help myself. First time meeting him today. I am in love with Harry Styles.


A/n: Ok guys!!! Sammy just met Harry! Ofndndkdjdb ahhhh!! So cute!

Help me with a ship name!

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Bye lovelies!<3

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