What Now?

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I woke up.

yep i had fallen asleep, on the sofa, why? dont ask me.

Because i dont even remeber falling to sleep. All i remeber is crying, turning the news on, crying somemore, my phone wouldnt stop ringing, then it died.

I guess i best charge it, someone important might be trying to get in touch with me.

Not that there is that many important people in my life anymore.

There was a few, my sister leah, my few friends, lizzi, rocky and teri.

They have all been amazing friends to me, especially leah, I tell her everything and she would never tell a soul, i owe her so much.

I plugged my phone charger into the wall, i left it to charge as i picked up my ipod nano plugging ny headphones into my ears.

Music is my escape, i can just kisten to anything if it fits with my mood. At the moment I could either scream at someone or cry, so i choose to listen to lana del ray and drowning pool.

Sad, depressing music and Loud, i want to punch you in the face music, i closed my eyes sitting on the sofa appreciating the beauty of lana's voice.

My phone went ping, I picked it up looking at it. Teri has messaged me.

From: Teri

Hey girly, hows you? how did the other night go? we miss you! maybe you could meet up with me? I have some gossip to tell you! love you xoxo

To: Ari,

I sighed.... I didnt feel like going out but it will do me good.

From: Ari

Heyy gorg, yeh i can meet up and whats up? is it good gossip?(; the others not coming? ly2!xoxo

To: Teri,

From: Teri

Nooooo, its gossip about family, and you know I only tell you the serious shiz! so town? pizza hut! 12:30 see you there babeh!xoxo

To: Ari,

From: Ari

okay beautiful, see ya there:* xoxo

To: Teri,

Well I best get ready....

I pulled on a long sleeve tight plain top and put my nerd top over the top, i pulled on my peace leggings on and some vans.

I made my way to pizza hut, i didnt see Teri so I got a table and ordered some drinks knowing she would be here any minute.

I Waited a few more minutes when i heard the big clank of her high heels running inside, she knocked into someone.

"ohh shit! im soo sorry." then she saw me and ran away,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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