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"Do I have to go?" I whined, tears brimming my eyes, ready to throw a tantrum.

My mom knew what was coming, her eyes widened and she screamed for my brother.

Lai walked in, his football gear on. "What mom? I have to go."

Our mom ran up to him explaining something to him while I sat on my bed, my arms crossed over my chest.

I'm not going to a stupid football game.

Suddenly Lai scooped me up into his arms, and walked to his car. I squirmed, and kicked "Put me down you dummy!" I screamed.

Ignoring me, he set me in the booster seat in the back of his car, buckling me in. Angrily, I tried to unbuckle it but it wouldn't budge.

* * *

Lai dragged me across the parking lot and towards the stadium. "I have to go potty!" I lied to him.

He groaned "Can you go by your self if I wait for you?" I nodded happily, skipping towards the bathroom.

I turned the corner, then peaked out seeing him facing the other way.

Running out of the bathroom, I sprinted towards the bleachers, only to come face to face with my mother, who was looking straight at me.

Squealing, I ran down the bleachers, worming my way against the current of people making their way to the stadium.

I stopped in an openish, and I was about to keep running when I heard "You."

I whipped my head around in panic, only to come face to face with the idiot who was running around with stockings on his his head the other day.

I rolled my eyes, "Shouldn't you be in jail or something? Better yet, a mental institution." I smirked.

"I hate you Susie!" He glared at me, I opened my mouth to correct him, when a very tall boy who Troy Bolton from HSM, ran up to me.

"Naaaaaaw!" He squealed. Pinching my cheeks multiple times, "Aren't you just the cutest Susie!" He gushed. Why was everyone calling me Susie?!

Then the idiot shot some insult at me, and surprisingly the girl with honey blonde hair defended me!

Tearing my gaze off of the girl who Lai liked, I looked at the boy pinching my cheeks "Hello mister." I greeted politely.

"Hi Susie, I'm Troy!" He gushed.

I smiled, his name was Troy! I wonder if his last name was Bolton! "Well Troy, my name isn't Susie, it's Lucy."

I pointed to the idiot, "That lunatic just likes to call me Susie."

Then they all started talking over each other, the idiot glared at me talking, and the boy who said his name was Troy and I just groaned "It's Lucy."

He just continued fawning, when I heard the "Oi!" Of non other then Lai.

Lai sprinted towards us, scooping me up. "Don't go wandering off on your own Luce. I got a game today. I can't keep running after you. Go back to ma."

"No, brother!" I yelled at him. Knowing he hated when I called him brother. "She bores me!"

He rolled his eyes and started to leave.

"She's welcomed to stay with us!" Chirped the girl with Honey brown hair, I think Troy called Aqueela.

Lai looked at her, surprise, and a bit of longing in his brown eyes, but he quickly faked a disgusted expression.

"Hell no! I'm not trusting my little sister in your care!" He said, sounding completely serious. Hmm. Maybe he only liked how she looked and not her personality?

Then they argued for a while, but I got bored tuning them out. I did end up hearing Aqueela insult Lai directly.

I erupted into a fit of giggles "I already love you." I told her.

"Please Lai." I looked up at him, widening my big brown eyes, sticking out my bottom lip. "She's funny." I pointed to Aqueela.

"Yeah she is. But she's also not well in the head." Lai whisperer to me, but everyone obviously heard it.

"You're a bad whisperer." I whisperer back, but I know how to whisper so only Laiken heard.

"I like this guy." Piped in a very tall scary guy, who I cowered away from, into Lai's chest.

"Don't make me punch you in the face again Laiken." Said a tall muscular boy with electric blue eyes, wrapping his arms around Aqueela's waist.

After a bit more bargaining I was sitting in a seat in between the idiot (who I was told was named Max) and the boy with the electric blue eyes (who I was told was named Jay).

I leaned up, whispering in Jay's ear "Your eyes are the color of my mom's mini van."

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