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Susie/Lucy's POV

"Bye J-J!" I yelled happily, as Jay left the apartment in a rush after having a heated discussion with Pink.

I was going to give him a present.

Skipping up the stairs, I peeked into Aqueela's room to find Lai out cold still.

"Zip a dee-doo da, zip a de aye! My oh my what a wonderful day." I sang quietly, using all my might to open the door to Jay's room.

First things first... bed.

Leaping over weights and stuff. Finally I made it to the tall bed, with the duvet balled up in the middle of the bed.

After wrestling with it for a while, I managed to make it flattened out, on top of the hard mattress. 

Leaping off the bed, I tucked it under the mattress and evened out the pillows.

Mama taught me how to make my bed last week!

His room wasn't too messy, but bed was gross and the floor was littered with weights and the room smelled like sweat.

One thing down, two to go.

Getting on my knees, I gripped the weight by his bed and tried to push it across the carpet, but it only moved slightly.


Shoving open a drawer, I grabbed the first thing my hand touched, a leather jacket.

He would miss this right? Right. 

I climbed on top, his newly made bed and pulled the safety scissors out of my pink purse that I always carry.

I packed ahead of time.

After what felt like a billion years, I cut and tied the jacket to the way I wanted it.

For some reason, the safety scissors didn't work to well.

But I made do.

Jumping off the bed, I shoved the scraps in the trash can, then wrapped the jacket around the weight, tying it.

Then I slid into the little harness I cut out using the hood-collar thingy.

Stepping forward, I felt it move smoother, now that it was leather against carpet.

Eventually, with the help of the harness, I moved all the weights into the little empty corner of the room, and made them look neat.

Well... neat-ish.

Finally- the smell.

Dumping the remains of my purse onto the carpet, I got my scented nail polish, and slid under his bed with the multiple bottles.

It smelled like cooties under here.

Suck it up Lucy, you're doing this to make Mr. J-J happy.

Pulling the cap off one of the bottles, I started painting the bottom of the bed, the aroma of grape filling my nose.

Me, being the professional painter I am, I emptied all the bottles onto the bottom of the bed very quickly.

It smelled like a fruit bomb exploded under here.

Sliding out, it smelled strongly of fruit, if you were ground level.

Here we go. I stumbled over to the chair under his desk, feeling loopy from the nail-polish, I pulled the chair across the carpet to right under his fan.

Looking at the pile of stuff from my purse, I select the scotch tape and three 'fabreeze' bottles with loosened zippy ties on them.

Climbing onto the chair, I place one bottle on the bottom of a fan wing, taping it there with scotch tape.

I did the same with the other two. Moment of truth.

I quickly tightened the zippy tie on all of them, the scented air shooting out.

I leaped off the chair. Pretending to be a ninja and jump high in the air, my finger just hitting the fan switch on Jay's wall.

I closed the door, and sat outside of it waiting for the bottles to run out.

I felt my eyelid start to grow heavy, and I leaned up, rubbing them.

Should be done by now...

I walked into the room and am hit in the face with smell.

And it's good smell! Yay!

But it's very very strong... Hard to breath...


I quickly got all of my stuff and shoved it in my pink purse leaving the door open to air out a little.

"Lucy?" I heard a groggy voice said from down the hall.

Looking up, I see the tall figure of Laiken.

"LAI LAI!" I squeaked happily, honestly missing him while he was sleeping.

I jumped into his arms and hugged him.

Then I locked eyes with him. "We need to have a talk Mister." He gulped dramatically, nodded, pretending to be scared.

I loved when he played along with my games! He's a good actor!

Just kidding, he's rubbish. But it's the thought that counts.

Sitting on the pink couch (my favorite think in the world besides Slobbers who was sleeping) and placing me in front of him, he locked his brown eyes with mine.


"Well..." I drawl.

"Jay and Aqueela are like super totes cute together. You're getting in the way of the ship. You're awesome and all, being nice to Aqueela, but not sucking up to her. But when you give her that longing look when her and Jay aren't looking at you, you're killing the vibe man. So, I as you to formally back off and realize you don't like her because she isn't your type. You're the big brother. She's the fabulous person who I want to be when I grow up. You don't mix. Where as Jay is also fabulous. Though he could use a little lip gloss and hair gel, he's still cool. So please just let their ship sail because this fairy tail is about His bubblegum klutz. At least that's what I heard him call her one time. It's not about you and her."

That was the longest speech I've ever given, and I'd practiced it in the mirror a lot.

I curtsied and giggles.

He started at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell... Lucy you're like five, where did you learn how to say that stuff?"

I gave him the stink eye.

"Okay, geez. I don't like Aqueela. I thought she was cute I guess but I don't like her like that. Jay is cool, I wouldn't cross him though. Now please be a normal five year old again? You're acting like Aqueela now and I don't like it."

Grinning, I skipped toward the door.

"Let's go have a tea party!"

The End, One-shot entry by

kenzilo on wattpad

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