Beach Time is Fun Time

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The second floor was an island paradise with a crystal clear ocean as far as you could see, that was inhabited with mischievous Wingull that were know to steal items. Children rode on friendly water Pokemon, splashing about. A town was set in the middle of the island with condos for homes and booths for shops. Strings with tiny blue striped flags decorated all of the small shops that lined the streets, that were run by delightful NPC's, always dressed in beach attire, as it was always summer on the second floor.

Cai and Jetta had found themselves here early today to roam around the shops and get more supplies. The blonde boy received a bag of goods from a motherly woman in a blue sun dress, while Jetta skipped about to all the shops that sat on either side of the street.

Once Cai had finally caught up to the energetic girl she began to rant about the beautiful dress she saw, and the boy listened carefully to every word she said and laughed. The two almost didn't notice as the crowd cleared for what was coming. Jetta and Cai watched from the sidelines as three heavily armored men stumbled through the street filled with whispers of horror. The men had less than five percent of their health left and dents in their shiny steel armor.

Jetta clenched onto Cai's button up. "What do you think did that to them?" she whispered.

~Cai's POV~

Rumors spread, and we later found that those people had accidentally stumbled upon the boss room while training at Mt. Iwakanaka, and decided to check it out. They had originally been a team of seven, and apparently they had just opened the door when a strong force killed the four inside and slammed to door on the other three, propelling them off of the three hundred foot cliff.

"They're holding a meeting for the people that want to fight the boss." I announced to Luke, who sat on the couch petting his Umbreon in a bored fashion.

I had already decided to join in the fight. I couldn't let other people fight for me, and in cases like this, every person counted. I had put in countless hours of training, so backing out now would be waste. Plus  after watching how Marceline handled the battle, this boss could have a weak spot too.

"When is it." Luke's voice appeared in my mind. I was surprised that he was interested. 

"Tomorrow morning. After the meeting we're headed to the boss." I chuckled nervously. I wasn't exactly a morning person.

Luke wasn't at the last boss battle, so I couldn't tell how he was feeling. Actually, I could never tell how he was feeling. I glanced at the blank boy who's bright eyes starred at one of our yellow walls.

The nerves hadn't hit me yet, but the memories of the first boss had been haunting me since I heard about the meeting. We would have been dead, my hands shook at the thought. I clenched them into fists and calmed myself with the memory of home I'd been given.

"What do you know about the boss?"

I answered with the only information the men knew. "Only the name. Blastoise."

~Episode 7; Beach Time is Fun Time~

~Cai's POV~

I stared up at the black ceiling in front of me, unable to sleep. The house was silent as my friends slept soundly.

'What's the point of playing a game when you can't have fun?' Jetta's words echoed in my mind. I smiled at the reckless advice.

"Then I guess I better have fun tomorrow." I whispered aloud, and finally drifted to sleep.


After filling our inventories with everything we needed, Luke and I were ready to go. I moved silently through the house, trying to avoid waking up Jetta. I had decided that I would avoid telling her certain truths about the boss battles until she was ready to fight. The thoughts that she had expressed to me had frightened me.

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