Confused - Chapter 10

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Chelsea's POV

I'm upstairs, sitting on the ground in the hall with all the room doors. My hands go up to my lips. I almost kissed him again. That was not the plan. Not at all. I need to get out of this hall, which door is Keaton's again? I don't know? I start to freak out again. I'm not gonna walk into a random room. I try to think, I really can't remember which door it was. I wrap my arms around my legs and just sit there on the ground. Probably weird right? I mean, another person would just have called Keaton's name or just open a door or just walked downstairs again to ask Drew. But I didn't I just sat there, staring at the wall, thinking about what almost happened. Is Wes really what I want? Don't get me wrong! I love that guy, he's sweet, good looking, funny and really attractive, but what if he just plays with my mind? What if I'm just one of those girls he dates? I don't know if he's a player, I don't really know anything about him. I fell for a guy like that before and it just really messed with my head. I've always blamed myself, how could I be so stupid. There are forming little tears in the corner of my eye, I've to stop thinking about that time, I just can't think about it and I can't go through it again, so I'm gonna keep Wes on a distance, how hard it even may be, I'm not gonna fall in love with Wesley, I'm not gonna fall in love with Wesley, I'm not gonna fall in love with anyone. Then I snap out of my thinking zone when a door opens and Keaton stands there. He looks at me surprised. 

"Chelsea? What are you doing? Are you ok? You don't have to stay out of my room, if that's what you think, we share a room now, you can come in whenever you want" He's so sweet omg. I wipe the little tears away. 

"I didn't remember which door was yours" I admit

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, you probably called my name, but I had headphones on, I didn't hear you, I'm so sorry, you could have just opened a door, nobody would mind" 

"Keaton, relax, I didn't call your name, I was just in my thinking zone, so I just sat here, it happens, I'm just weird like that" I reach out my hand as a hint for him to help me stand up. He takes my hand and pulls me up. He's stonger than I thought and I get up really fast, I kinda lose my balance and fall into his chest. 

"Woah girl, don't fall" He says while trying to not let me fall. I blush a little, god, why does this alway happen to me?"Uh, sorry" I say shyly and take a step back. 

"It's ok. So what do you wanna do?" He looks at me with big eyes, waiting for me to say what I want to do.

"Well, what were you gonna do? You know, before you got scared of a weirdo on the floor that didn't know what door to pick"

" Haha well  I was gonna get something to drink and then go back to my laptop and make music, but that's not that interesting" 

"Are you kidding me? Not that interesting? Can I see how you do that, can I hear it? Only if it's ok" Keaton looks at me for a minute like I'm crazy.

"Uhh sure? C'mon" I walk after him into his room. He shows me all kind of stuff, how he mixes music and tells me where the music parts come from. It's pretty interesting and I like listening to his voice. Then he clicks on a track and it starts playing.

"Ok, don't be too hard on me it's not done yet but I think I'm getting there" It's seriously perfect and also his voice, it's so perfect. 

"Wow, that's amazing Keaton" I get up from the chair and sit down on his bed, still focused on the music. He starts to smile and blush. 

"Thanks, but I think it could be better, but I don't know what it misses, but I'll finish it some other time" He stands up, grabs his guitar and also walks towards the bed and sit next to me.

"Ok, let's have some fun, let's see if you know this song" He starts playing the guitar and I directly know which song it is. I remember they sang it at a live show too and it's also one of my favorite songs ever; just the way you are by Bruno Mars. He starts singing and I'm just blown away by his voice, it's just so perfect.

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