Chapter 1: I wish kohnnie was real.

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Johnnie's POV: I had just gone on twitter to see something that made my heart cringe. Kyle was kissing Meghan, a girl that he had been talking to on the internet for a while. I met her once and she hated me and I have no idea why. Maybe it's because of all the Kohnnie video's and tweets. But Kohnnie's just a joke... or at least, it is to Kyle. As I looked at the picture on twitter I mentally growled a her, I wish that was me. I had just realized my feelings for Kyle a few weeks ago when we filmed a Kohnnie video for our fans. Kyle was hanging all over me and kissed my cheek. Later he told me that it was all good acting and it's funny to see the fans react to the joke. I felt a little hurt when he said that, but that's what made realize that I had feelings for Kyle. I had, had them all along and but I never noticed it until then. Now whenever I'm around Kyle, I act more...flustered, I think is the word I'm looking for, when I'm around him. But the problem is Meghan. She doesn't like me and I do not like her. The one time the three of us hung out together as soon as Kyle would leave the room she'd be a nasty bitch to me. She called me names like 'emo faggot' and a 'gay retard' and then she'd threaten me and tell me to stay away from Kyle, saying that she didn't like all this 'Kohnnie bullshit' following her and him everywhere they go. I told her that I couldn't control what the fans did or said to them, but before she could open her mouth to say anything else Kyle came back in the room and she continued to give me death glare the entire time up until I left. I didn't say anything to Kyle because believe it or not she did make him happy. So I just kept my mouth shut. But apparently there was something obviously wrong with me, and apparently I was acting depressed because Bryan said something to me when I got back. "Johnnie what's wrong?" That's when I told him everything, from how I knew that I liked Kyle to meeting that nasty, bitchy Meghan chick. And now Bryan helps me deal with this every time Kyle talks about Meghan and I have to pretend like she's a nice person. I currently am with Kyle and Bryan filming another video and Kyle is once again, pulling the Kohnnie crap. To him it's a joke, to me it's not. To me it's him toying with my emotions. Kyle left shortly after the video and Bryan looked at me. "Are you okay Johnnie?" He asked me. I got teary eyed. "I can't keep doing this Bryan." I said starting to break down. Bryan hugged me and we sat down on the couch. "I know Johnnie, I know, this takes a toll on you not being able to tell him how you feel when you see him." He said rubbing my back. "It's all because of her." I spat. "I mean, I know that she makes him happy but she's a total bitch why can't he see that?" I cried. "It's okay Johnnie, you know what someday he will, and when he does, he'll realize who really loves him." Bryan said. "No he wont." I cried again, "To him Kohnnie will always be just a joke." I cried and cried. "Johnnie, for your sake I hope that someday Kyle wakes up and realizes that Meghan is a bitch and that Kohnnie isn't a joke to you and that you really do love him." "I wish kohnnie was real Bryan." I mumbled. "Don't we all." Bryan mumbled back in response. 

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