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Blaze's copper scales glittered as her platform rose onto the arena floor, the tight chains around her neck legs and wings unclipped and fell to the floor, a loud clanging noise echoed around the battle dome. She could feel the pressure change as the artificial climate began to self-edit to conform to the wishes of the owners. 

"Mountain climate, cold air, lake nearby" She scanned her surroundings for anything that could give her an advantage.

Then she spotted her challenger's dragon, he was big, and his moss-green scales were scratched and scuffed up."Probably because of other battles!"  His eyes had a wild look in them and his pupils were tiny slits, bright purple foam frothed from his jaws. She new this, when dragons don't fight hard enough the owners buy these pellets that, when fed to the dragon, drive them insane and make them bloodthirsty monsters. 

The green gragon pounced of his platform and lunged at her, his claws aiming for her throat, in milliseconds she dodge out of the way.His gray talons scraped at the iron and left thin lines scored through the silvery metal.

" Welcome to the Safron Arena!" A human voice called. "Today on the feild we have, Moss!" The Announcer indicated to the green dragon. "and Blaze!"  The human pointed to her as the crowd cheered. "We do hope that this fight will be quite interesting!" 

"So, moss is his name" She said as she glowered at the green dragon. "I belive that he is an Acid-forest dragon, by the look of his scales." 

Moss stared at her wildly and shook his neck frill angrily, then the big green dragon shot towards her, his foaming jaws hung open and a thick purple mist rose from his throat, billowing out into the arena. 

"Big mistake, dragon of the leaves." She widened her jaws and sent a blast of sky blue flame curling down his throat. Agony warped his face as he exploded, tiny bits of dragon flesh hit the synthetic trees and fell into the water.

"His poison was explosive, so when i breathed on his toxins he, he , well lets just say I don't want to have to do that again."  She wiped a bit of blood off her snout and shivered. Just then, men in silvery armor jumped into the arena, they surrounded her and threw lassos of chains, she tried to dodge out but the bindings slipped around her neck and they wrestled her to the ground. The iron clad men wrapped her legs in more chains, and before she could blast them to ashes with fire, they tied her snout shut.

" SNAKE TAILS!" She growled in her head as the men dragged her out of the arena. "I could have been free if I had taken off then." 

When they had locked her in her cage and closed the door, she immediatly turned her head to speak with the rest of her team. " Amythi, Ammeril, Emer, i'm back." She called instantly black and purple head of her dear freind, Amythi turned the corner. "Girl, how on earth do you manage to always get out of your cell?" "I dunno but, hey, I'm out, and i'm letting you out too!" She murmered in response. They pretty spiraled she-dragon stalked around to the door and stuck her talon in the keyhole. After a second or two, the lock popped off and the door swung open, Blaze hopped out.

"Hey, have you seen Ray?" Questioned Amythi "No," Blaze murmered "now that i think of it I haven't seen him in some time." 

"He's probably here somewhere." Amythi murmered, it was clear her mind was elsewhere.

"What are you thinkin' 'bout?" Blaze qureied.

"Nothing." Amythi answered, but her words were as empty as a hollow tree.


"Hurry, back into your cell." Blaze whispered as she leapt into her cage. The door clicked behind her.

Amythi sprinted over to her cell and lept in closing the door behind her with a click.

"Alright worms, tommorow we have a team battle" Their owner yelled. " If you don't win, we'll, we'll, well we'll come to that roadblock when it comes our way, But BE READY" And with that he closed the door.

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