Open Sky

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" Time for the battle,worms!" an angry human howled.

"Mrfff mrfff" Amythi murmured, half asleep.

"Wake Amythi, time for the team battle Owner has been howling about."

"Five more minutes." She groaned and rolled over.

Emer looked totally terrified out of his scales, this was his first battle since he had been captured.

"You'll be fine, just growl and look menacing." Blaze soothed.

"But, what if the other dragons are bigger than me, what if they're stronger, or faster, or smarter, or.."

"Then you'll blast them with your acid, and it'll all be over." Blaze responded, with a quick nod.

" Great snake-tails Blaze, aren't you the least bit worried?" He hissed as he flicked his long emerald-green tail nervously.

" No, these battles all end the same way, we win, crowds cheer, and they lock us up again."

" I'm still worried." Emer growled.

" Of course you are." Blaze snarled in return, hissing angrily as the men in silver mesh wrapped the chains around her arms and snout.


Blaze looked out onto the arena, the crowds stared and let out happy noises as the dragons came into view.

" You sick little rats, how can you enjoy this? " She thought as the silver-mesh men removed her bindings and sprinted off, out of the arena.

" HEY, YOU, YEAH YOU, COPPER DRAGON, YEAH, HEY YOUR'E SOOO GONNA LOSE!" Some dragon across the sand yelped.

The horn sounded and Blaze leapt into battle sprinting for the idiotic smoky dragon who had just yelled at her. She pounced into the air and grabbed his horns and shook them wildly, over the sand mound she could see Emer biting some silver ice dragon. The gray dragon hissed violently and shot a blast of flames right at Blaze's head, she smirked as the fire approched her, it couldn't hurt a scale on her body, she felt the heat wrap around her skull and a burning sensation tickeled her horns, but it faded almost instantly. The male dragon looked at her, a shocked expression on his face. Blaze growled and just before she burned him to a crisp, she heard the stone walls around her crumble and as the dust settled, she could see the faint outline of an elderly man, and a huge dragoness.

" Sorry to burst your bubble fellow citizens," he creaked " this battle must end now."

The dragon behind him roared in fury. " YOU WILL RELEASE YOUR DRAGONS NOW! " she snarled.

"WHAT." Owner yelled." I am not giving up pounds of gold-worth dragons, just because and old man said i had to!."

"Very well," The cloaked man responded. " Then my friend here will be forced to terminate you."

The dragon smirked and nodded, as if she relished the idea of burning the place to ashes.

"PFFFT. That dragon probably can't even breathe fire!"

The she-dragon growled and sparks of lightning leaped about on her black scales.

" Perhaps you would like to find out, Electra?"

      Electra made a happy noise and her silver neck suddenly lit up, sparkling a thousand different shades of red gold and orange, before bursting from her jaws as a curling flume of fire. All the humans lost control and scrambled over top each other in horrible attempts to escape the burning colosseum. The night black dragon scooped the man up in her silver talons and took off, each majestic wingbeat fanned the fire and forced it higher, climbing into the smoky black sky.

     Blaze hurled the gray dragon over her back and raced over to Amythi and Emer, opening her wings and pointing to the sky. Amythi nodded and her and Emer, rose upward and began to circle, waiting for her. The dragons from the other team were also rising skyward, wings pumping air down. Once she was sure that all the dragons who were battling had taken off, she jumped into the smoke and soared.

        As she rose, she heard a pain filled scream rising from the arena, Blaze dove down and discovered a female dragon, burned and scalded, trapped in her cage. With no time to think, she tore the bars off and helped the white and blue dragoness into the sky.

And as Blaze took in her first breath of fresh mountain air she felt, for the first time, absolutely free.

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