Introduction: Breif History of Rome

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Seventy years after the fall of Gea the demigods of Camp Half Blood and New Rome had found their world at a time of peace for a short while. No great prophecies or threats on the balance of the world were made and those who had played a part in the Titan and Giant wars had time to settle down. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase had married and moved away to a beach house on the New Jersey shore. Hazel and Frank stayed in New Rome where Frank tried to run for a position in the senate, he won his election but quit after his first day. He claimed that the evils of politics were ten times that of The Earth Mother. Jason and Piper had also moved to New Rome to settle down together the two worked to fulfill Jason's promise to the minor gods and erect palaces and shrines in their names. Leo and Calypso stayed at Camp Half Blood with Leo constantly building something and his heavenly Bride never far from his side. What Leo was working on no one ever quite knew. But he was always hard at work. No one quite knows where Nico and his husband Will had gone. The two pop in and out from both camps from time to time but never for very long. Most think they moved to Italy and came back to the camps via shadow travel. But the two never seemed eager to tell if that was true. All seemed to be at rest for the time being. However the fate world would soon be challenged again. And it would start with the pregnancy of Reyna Ramirez Arellano.

Reyna did not plan to ever have children, or even get married for that matter. And she never did find someone to make a life with. She was too busy with her campaigns in the Roman government. Serving as council fifteen years in a row before stepping down from her position. It was during her thirteenth year as council and when she was 29 years old and was asked by the god Mars to have his child. For Mars believed that a legacy of Bellona and a child of his would be able to create a new age for the Roman Empire.

Reyna denied the God's request on many occasions. She did not want a child for she feared she would neglect it and not be able to raise it correctly with her duties as council. However for the good of her nation and (although she would never admit) her goal to raise a child better than her parents had raised her she decided to take on the task, and at the same time bring the might of Rome into a new age.

Once Reyna had consented, Mars took a knife and cut his had dropping the golden Ichor into a small glass and instructed Reyna to drink it. Reyna followed the God's instructions and was then given her child. She then carried her child for nine months and continued to run her city to the best of her ability while pregnant. All within the wall of Rome had new found respect for Reyna and her strength to carry a child and continue her normal duties to the city. If she wasn't known as Rome's badass before she sure as Hades was now.

And if legends are to be believed, it is said that moments before going into labor Reyna was informed of a Hellhound that had breached the walls of her city. She grabbed her gladius and her spear and killed the beast single-handedly while in labor. Afterwards she was taken to the City's hospital where her child was born. A child whose name the world would know in under twenty years and would resonate through history. Scott Ramirez Arellano.

Scott was raised by his mother with the help good friends Annabeth Jackson and Piper Grace. He was raised for the purpose of one day governing the city of Rome. Before his tenth birthday Scott had already taken command of an entire legion. Even by demigod standards he was a true prodigy.

However once he has served his years in the military Scott turned to the world of Roman politics where he won the election for Council by a landslide. He knew how to talk to people, get them on his side and use their weaknesses to his advantage. Some even said he could use charmspeak but it was never proven, the ability was rare even by the children and patrons of Venus.

However once he was in office at the age of fifteen he had decided to do what his mother and his godly parent had intended for him. To take the Romans into a new age, to revive the glory of the empire and change the world for the better. Thus the fifteen year old had made the decision to wage war on the world. He started with a swift capture of California and made that the starting grounds for his empire. Many people strongly disagreed with this movement and hostile takeover of the mortal government. Scott was almost executed for his actions in the government. But he was able to slip out of his punishment and keep his position due to some well placed bribes and loyal supporters. Scott did continue with his expansion of the New Roman empire until public opinion has started to sway in his favor. Within three years of his continuous reelection he was able to make the population strongly agree with his decision to not only expose the world of the gods to the mortals but to conquer their world as well. Scott's campaign to take over the majority of North America had gone exceedingly well. He was able to conquer East to the Missouri border and took a large amount of land from Southern Canada and Northern Mexico. He was about to march his troops into Kansas City when he was assassinated. An American supporter had taken on the Council as he slept and lit his tent on fire. After running from the burning tent Scott was staring down the barrel of a shotgun. It's said that his murderer had shouted "Long live the USA." Before he was arrested and eventually executed for his crimes. However it is said that the American Loyalist was only the fall guy for a much larger plot to kill the council for his Global Atomic Weapons Reform Act (or G.A.W.R.A for short) in attempt to rid the world of atomic weaponry. However this theory was regarded as only a conspiracy at the time.

After the death of Scott the nation was in panic. For the only reason they had brought the American military to their knees was because of Scott's superb, yet controversial leadership. Thus when in times of panic the Roman Senate, as it had for thousands of years, elected a Dictator to oversee all parts of the government for one full year. The Dictator they had elected was Scott's partner council, Dustin Grace.

Dustin was the son of Jason and Piper Grace and look almost exactly like his father however he had his mother's way with words. He was the only person who wasn't a child of Venus who could charmspeak in over 200 years. He was also against Scott's actions of hostility towards the mortal governments. He and Scott had always been at each others throats. Some personal letters the press had uncovered had suggested that Scott was threatening the life of Dustin's family if he should take action against his mass expansion.

Once he came into power Dustin decided to stop mobilization of the Roman troops and hold the land that his partner had gained. He then went to ease tensions of the people who had just been absorbed into the new empire. He offered full citizenship to all those who would accept and paid for a funeral service for all of those who had lost their lives in the war. Roman troops and the oppositions troops alike. He was not a supporter of Scott's conquest and issued a formal apology to all of the government's whose land he had taken. This apology did not ease tensions like he had hoped and he feared that the United States and Canada would go to their allies for help with taking back their land. He asked for help from Terminus the god of borders. Terminus had agreed to help and secured the now much larger Roman borders from outside attacks until Dustin could ease the tensions of The Allied forces. With the expansion of Rome over and while waiting for international relations to settle down Dustin had a new problem he needed to take care of. The city of Rome had undergone a massive growth in population due to many people immigrating into the city seeking a better government and life for themselves. The American government was not popular by its people, and seeking better many migrated withing the borders of the new empire willingly. Dustin had tried to make the empire seem as welcoming as possible however to the people of the world he had done his job too well. People were moving into New Rome at a rate of fifty people a day. Due to this he asked for the finest architects and children of the Greek Athene to help design the new city and children of Vulcan and Hephaestus to build it. With his oversight and the dedication of the workers he was able to expand the City Rome to rival that of New York city in under a month. The homeless population of the city had vanished and the city was booming with activity. Almost exactly as the city was finished Dustin's time as dictator was up, and he happily gave up the position and retired from Roman politics forever. He was quoted on the day he gave up his power saying "I need a long bath, a cookie and years of therapy to help me recollect myself after dealing with that mess"

After the era of Scott and Dustin was over Rome again went back to it's time of peace. The Empire was revived and the her people happy. Dustin married his childhood friend Vex Allen and they were gifted with two children, one a child of Apollo and another a Mars. Seeing as they could not have children themselves due to them both being males.

But now a new scheme approaches the empire, one that could extinguish the light of Rome forever. And this story begins with the son of Dustin Grace and grandchild of the legendary Jason and Piper. Jackson Justinian Grace.

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