Meeting earths mightest heros

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Steve's POV
We walked into the living room of the tower and everyone turned to us and saw Emma and Pete and Thor's loud voice boomed waking them up "who are the small children captain of a america" he asked as Emma rubbed her baby blue eyes and looked up at me and said sleeply "poppy Thor woke me up" she then pouted cause she was woken up, I chuckled a little at her pouting as Peter rubbed his also baby blue eyes and I answered Thor "this is Emma and Peter they are twins and we adopted them" me and Tony smiled as I finished the sentence and Emma and Pete hoped out of ours arms and walked over to Thor and looked up at him and said in unison "your to loud were trying to sleep" Emma stuttered a little and Pete waited for her and it was so cute then Clint said the rudest thing ever "what's wrong with the girl" Emma come running up to me crying "poppy bird man make fun of way me talk" I picked her up and tried to get her to stop crying and Tony walked up and waked Clint upside the head "Barton she's 3!" He rubbed the back I he head and aplozised to Emma and she stopped crying.
Emma's POV
Da bird man was mean and Thor was loud I hadn't meet the pretty girl or the man in da lab coat I got back down from poppy's arms and walked over to the girl who seemed to be the only girl and she said "I'm Natasha but you can call me aunt nat" I smiled I liked get she was very very nice to me and I gave her a hug and said "tank you" and walked over to guy in the lab coat and asked "what you name" he kneeled down so he was my height and said "I'm Bruce banner" I smiled I liked him and da hulk and I told him "da hulk a superhero" he smiled and I walked away and kicked Clint on my way back to poppy and when I got there he glared at me and said "Emma we don't kick people" I nodded and walked up to Clint who was wearing his Haukeye outfit and I said "I sorry" he ruffled my hair "it's alright kiddo" I giggled as Steve walked up to me and bubba and said "you guys want to see your room" we both nodded and took each other's hand and followed poppy and daddy up the stairs and I didn't even have to use my inhaler I smiled.
Tony's POV
Emma is very friendly to everyone even Clint well after she kicked and I admit I chuckled a little and Peter followed right behind her which was the cutest and I smiled at how they didn't like to be to far from each other. When we got up the stairs Emma smiled and I whispered to Stevie "why is smiling we just walked up stairs" Stevie whispered back to me "she has azma and made it up the stairs and didn't have to use her inhaler" I nodded as we got to there room I had J.A.R.V.I.S put together when we adopted them.

So three parts in one day not bad I think plus I put detail in, I feel proud of myself! Anyways hope your enjoying the story! Stay strong😊

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