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Peter's POV
The room was huge way bigger than our room and the adoption center, Emma starting wheezing and couldn't find her inhaler and fell to the ground gasping for air. I pulled Steve's pant leg and "sissy need help she can't breathe and can't find her inhaler"
Steve's POV
Peter pulled on my pant leg and told me Emma can't breathe and couldn't find her inhaler and I rushed to her with an oxygen tank and hooked her up to it and she started breathing normal again and Tony came over an sat next to her along with me and peter making her smile. The team came running and they all sat around her and she smiled even more and Thor asked with his booming voice "little lady Emma are you okay" she shook her head and pointed to her chest an me and Tony looked at each other worriedly and Tony asked her "sweetheart how long have you had this pain in your chest" she held up 5 fingures and mine and Tony's eyes widen and I asked in a more concerning voice "did you tell the adoption center about it" peter answers for her "she did and all the mean lady said was she dies it does the world a favor" me and Tony looked at each other in sock and Emma curled up in my lap and falls asleep with the oxygen tank still hooked up to her and peter crawled in Tony's lap and fell asleep.
Tony's POV
Emma said her chest had been hurting for the past 5 moths and she was having trouble breathing it didn't take long to figure out was most likely wrong and after peter fell asleep I whispered to everyone "we need to get Emma to the hospital, she could have lung cancer" everyone nodded and Steve picked up Emma and the oxygen tank as I picked up peter and we all went to SHEILD hospital.

I know sad but I like to make thing dramatic and sad sometimes cause I'm just like that, the next chapter will be even sadder sorry!

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