Fighting cancer

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Steve's POV
It's been a couple months and Emma is now using an oxygen tank and has lost all her hair but she keeps fighting, she is still in the hospital and today they are going to see if the cancer has gone down and I pray it has I pet her head as she sleeps and sing you are my sunshine to her as Tony sits in the chair holding a sleeping peter.
Tony's POV
Steve was singing to Emma and I was holding a sleeping Pete, I know Steve is scared and so am I. Stevie hasn't left her side expect to shower and use the bathroom and I haven't left the hospital expect once to get us all some cloths, this is a scary thing and I know Emma must be scared too. I was just hoping the cancer has gone down. The doctor walked in.
3rd persons POV
The doctor walked in and said "it's time to take Emma up for her scan" Steve and Tony nodded and the doctor and a couple of interns transferred Emma to a different bed so they could take her down to the scan area once the got her on the different bed Emma still asleep the rolled her out of the room and Pete was still asleep and Tony and Steve talked about going to the park and showing there kids around New York when they left the hospital trying to stay positive and not think about what could go wrong.
~an hour later~
The doctor and interns rolled Emma back into the room and put her back on her bed and the doctor said with joy "sirs your daughter is very lucky all I her cancer is gone and you can leave tomorrow" Steve and Tony smiled and nodded to the doctor and he left.
Steve's POV
Emma is cancer free and I couldn't be more happy I had two beautiful healthily children and I loving beautiful husband it was amazing we get to go home tomorrow and I couldn't be happier well I was happier when I married Tony and when we adopted the twins but that's not the point I'm just really happy.
Emma's POV
I woke up and pop and dad where smiling and I looked at them confused and asked "why are you smiling" pop looked at me and said in a real happy voice "Emma your cancer is gone and we can go home tomorrow" I smiled and yelled "yay I did it" Pop and dad chuckled and nodded. Now only if Ididn't have a fake leg and haring aids.

So I'm trying to add detail sorry if it's not anouf detail, thanks to everyone for reading and I will update again soon, my brain is turning with ideas and once I start school I might not update as much but I will try my best. Stay strong ☺️

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