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Wu, Dan Yi

- Goes by the nickname DAN

- Height: Six foot Two

- Age: 19

- Only child

Kim, Chan Min

- Goes by the nickname CHAN MIN

- Dan's Best friend

- Age: 19

- Only child

- Korean citizen, but was forced to study in China due to parents' work.

Park, Soo Jeon 

- Goes by the nickname JAKE

- Korean citizen but studied in America for 5 years of his grade school years.

- Captain of the Football Team

- Member of the school's official dance crew

Huang, Zi Lei

- Goes by the nickname ZI

- Height: Six feet

- Age: 16

- Lexi's younger brother

Huang, Jin Lei Xi

- Goes by the nickname LEXI

- Height: Five foot Nine

- Age: 19

*Other characters will be revealed in the story :))

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