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It was nice, very nice to actually sleep in an actual bed. Evan smiled a small smile as he slowly got in. The sheets were soft to the touch and silky, letting his fully bathed skin slid against it. He was naked of course but he didn't mind. He settled himself in and sighed. It was warm already and it was relaxing. This was a luxury he would have to stay detached from. His eyes grew heavy and he gave in to the dark as it closed around him.

Dark, wet and breathless, that is all he could say about it. His breath came in gasps and pants, nothing he could do, his hands were bound painfully, and he could feel the wire digging into his pale flesh, drawing blood, red and thick, dripping down his hands onto the grey floor.

"Suck a bad boy, "the baritone laugh echoed in the cellar. Evan clenched his eyes close, it wasn't as though he would see even if they were open. The air he breathed was hot and moist as the bag over his head prevented him from breathing fresher air. He held back a sob, his naked body was already bruised, battered and at the brink of breaking.

"Please let me go, " he whispered. He was completely new to this, never had he been treated so brutally except by his father, why had he believed that this ws his way out? That he would find peace and happiness. The laugh rang through his ears.

"I will be doing much more than letting you go. " The cynical atmosphere was almost suffocating. Then there was more water and he struggled to breath as it filtered through the fabric of the bag over his head, he gurgled, hoping he would be heard.

Evan snapped his eyes open, tears running down his face, his eyes were unfocused and he let out a broken sob before biting his lip and pressing his fingers to his mouth. He had learnt the art of dreaming without screaming. He closed his eyes, holding his breath and coming to his senses. The sound of water filling reached him and he buried his face in the pillow and attempted to act normal. He didn't need to anger his Master even more, assuming his Master was still there. He sat up slowly and got out of bed. He began to make the bed.

"Don't, " he jumped and froze in place before standing up straight and turning.

"Good morning, Master."  He greeted shyly. Christopher gave a soft smile at the gorgeous creature who reached up to rub his eyes.

"Morning, pet, I trust you slept well? " Evan gave a tiny smile unconscious of it and nodded his head. He tried his best to keep his eyes off the sexy body before him. Christopher's towel looked ready to fall off which Evan half hoped would. His chest glistened with water droplets which seemed to trail softly down the small patch of hair on his chest down his defined abs and towards the sexy V, Evan bit his lip as a blush crept up his neck, he is gorgeous.

"Yes, I did, Master." He fought his blush, hoping beyond hope his Master wouldn't notice. He did.

"You can call me Sir, for now, okay? " Evan looked up startled, Christopher was smirking at him and his blush deepened as he sent him a playful wink.

"Yes...Sir."  Evan bit his lip, he really is mad, he thought pathetically. He only hoped that he'd fix it soon so he could call him Master again.

"Good, now, your bath is ready and when you are done, breakfast is in the kitchen. " Evan looked up but Christopher was already at the door.

"Uh...okay, Sir."  The door shut and Evan flinched. Oh, what am I to do now? He couldn't believe he had made such a huge mistake, but he wasn't sure what it was that made his Master so angry specifically, his brows furrowed as he obediently went into the bathroom. I really shouldn't have lied, he thought sadly as his eyes began to water, being that he was alone he allowed them to fall. His fingers were on his thighs under the water, tracing the scars that dwell faintly there. I'm sorry.

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