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Evan looked up at Elton who was looking at someone else with a glare. He'd heard the voice and he knew exactly who it is. He sat up, ready to make a break for ot but John turned to him, his glare so fierce it froze him in his place.

"Move and I'll kill you. "The threat should have scared him, but he only scowled.

"If you don't move, they kill you." He said confidently. Spending so much time with Sebastian had certainly made him braver that he really is.

John glared at him before pushing him back and closing the door, Evan gasped and scrambled to a sitting position and grabbed onto the door handle but then it was locked, he banged on the window, tears threatening to fall. How could this have happened? He groaned and blinked away the tears, no, he would not cry, not this time and certainly not for this, not yet anyway.

Sebastian was fuming as he sauntered over to John Elton, the man he had once considered a brother to him, family. He gave him a look of hatred and disgust.

"Get him out of there, right now, John or I swear to the onw above I will kill you. " Sebastian threatened, his gray eyes blazing with anger and honesty. John smirked at him.

"I'd like to see you try, Seb," John mocked and walked around the hood of the car. Sebastian grabbed the biggest stone he could find, then he brought it up and swung at the window, "What the hell! This is a brand new car." Sebastian only smirked and swung three times and it began to crack, he shook out his hand. John quickly got into the car and he started the window just as there was a loud clash of glass breaking, he hit the gas amd the reverse, Sebastian fell to his feet, his hand paining.

Evan was wide eyed as the car stopped suddenly, sending him back forcefully.

"Don't worry, pet, you will be home soon. "Elton hit the gas only to stop again at the figure in front of him. His dear cousin Peter stood, his arms folded over his chest.

"Don't do this, Elton. Please." Peter suddenly frowned at him. This was very unexpected, his own cousin, someone he considered a brother, someone he grew up with. How could this be happening? "This isn't you."

Elton stared at him while Evan tried the door again before huffing and attempting to climb out the door. He winced at the glass sliding on his skin, cutting him.

"I'm sorry, brother. "Elton whispered before putting the car in drive, Evan winced, the jagged parts digging into his abdomen, he did not think this through he realises, he would have been out faster if it were his feet first. Elton drove, Peter's eyes widening as he jumped to the side to avoid the contact. Evan then had a decision, jump oit of the moving car or comply and go with Elton. He eent back into the car, he looked down and lifted his shirt. The injury was not to bad, not to deep, he would be together.

"I don't get it, you didn't want me. Why now? "Evan asked, panting softly. Elton looked to him through the rear view mirror.

"I never mot wanted you, pet. I was forced to let you go." Evan looked at him for a while.

"But you never loved me. "Elton laughed loudly, tears at the corner of his eyes.

"No, never. You are just a really good fuck." Evan scowled at him.

"Well, you can't have me. "He said, they made contact through the mirror and Evan smirked." Good-bye. "He began to maneuver himself through the broken window.

"What!? Fuck, stop that." Evan was then sitting on the edge, his heart was thumping again his chest rapidly. He watched the rapidly moving trees and looked to the ground, he had to make the escape soon or else he would collide with the large rock coming up. "Evan, get back in the car." He was using the tone Dominates use with their pets, Elton's eyes widened at the car ahead. Evan put one leg out, suddenly nervous, but he knew, he'd rather die than be in Elton's grasp forever.

"You are never going to be my masters. "He took the jump amd he rolled on the ground, his pants tore, he bumped into the large boulder and he groaned, rolling onto his side, he clutched his arm which throbbed painfully. He took deep breaths, he could not believe that he did that. Then there was the screech of tyres and he stood up, ready to make a run for it.

His eyes widened at the scene before him.

"No, "he whispered in horror. Fire, it blazed and then there was a boom.

Christopher drove away from the scene, allowing the policemen to take care of the two frauds who so willingly accepted John Elton's offer. Now they will be serving some time, not much but just enough to teach them a lesson, Elton however, Christopher had other plans for him. He took his turn and ended up in the familliar archway of trees leading to his home. Soon, he thought, soon enough he would have his Evan in his arms, safe and sound and he would make love to him, then he would play with him and they would be happy.

Christopher drove fast and then he saw it all, the car in front of him, he was just in time. And his eyes widened as Evan, his sweet, shy and loving Evan was trying to get out of the car.

"Oh, God. "He whispered as his baby leaped out of the car, rolling and then bumping into the boulder. He sae red as he swerved the car to a stop infront of Elton's car, he parked it side ways and got out fast as Eltin kept driving. Christopher narrowed his eyes at him.

Elton stepped on the brakes but he was too late, the car wheels screeched on the sandy ground, his eyes wide at the collision just waiting to happen and then he made impact. There wasn't a light for him though, the only thought was of how ironic he'd die like this when only three days ago he sentenced his fiancé to the same fate, now it only seemed to fit. A life for a life, right? At least that is hpw the saying goes.

Then the explosion came and Christopher lost his hearing.

So, any thoughts? # swinging back and forth...

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