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Two months later...

Christopher sat down on the couch, waiting. He chewed on his bottom lip as he thought back to the news his brother gave him a month ago. He picked up his cell phone ready to call Sebastian to male sure he is alright but thought against it, he'd probably hang up or tell him that he was busy with what ever he'd been up too these days. He sighed and leaned against the couch, he glared at the cast on his leg, he couldn't fathom hos predicament, him in a cast because of a broken leg. Great.

Evan came into view, his brown eyes clashing with Christopher's gray ones, he blushed and kneeled down beside him after giving him his meal for the day. Evan laid his head on his Master's good leg, sighing with content,his Master ran his hand through his hair, scratching softly.

"I want to call him. "Christopher said with a frown and Evan looked up at him.

"I don't think he'll want that." He pursed his lips knowing why his Master was so worried about his older brother. "He's probably with his lawyer, Sir." He said after a pause and his Master turned to him.

"Probably, "He sighed and took a bit of the food, moaning." I must say, you sure weren't kidding when you said you wanted to learn to cook, this is amazing, Pet. Thank you. "Evan beamed at him, his chest swelling with pride. Christopher ate in silence, Evan had his eyes closed with content as he rubbed his Master's thick thigh with his hand, he inched it higher, ever upward rub his fingers brushed against the growing erection.

Christopher smirked down at Evan whose breathing had also changed as he rubbed his thigh. His love was growing bolder as the days went by, ever since they were released from the hospital two months ago. He took Evan's hand in his then he brought it to rest against his bulge, he rubbed his hand firmly there. Two months ago he had done exactly what he wanted to do to Evan the same day Elton, who was no longer with them. He had made love to him and played with him, his leg did not prove a problem for them either and it wouldn't be this time.

"Master? "Evan asked and Christopher hummed," are we going to renew our contract soon? "The question had Christopher sitting up.

"Evan, we don't need to do that, come here." Evan stood and sat on his lap, glancing st him from under his lashes.

"One day, I'm going to make you my husband, I don't need a contract with you to determine our relationship, I already know what it is and trust me, it's more than just a piece of paper, "Evan smiled widely and kissed him softly.

"You want to marry me?" He asked softly.

"I am going to marry you. "They kissed again, softly as Christopher moved to lay down on on the couch with Evan on top of him. They kissed each other, hands roaming each others bodies. Christopher trailed his hands up Evans chest, raising the shirt he wore, making him take it off. Evan began to grind their lower region's together.

"Christopher, "Evan whispered as he trailed kisses along Christopher's neck. He began to unbutton his shirt, laying his palm over Christopher's rapidly beating heart. He pulled away to look at him, his fingers played with the small patch of dark hair on his chest. Evan smiled shyly as he pushed away Christopher's shirt as he sat up.

"I love you, "Christopher whispered and kissed him passionately, his large hands cupping Evan's ass in his hands, squeezing and kneading them. He began to unbutton their pants. He watched as Evan tugged off his pants, he lifted his hips to help and then he took off his own pants and underwear and straddled him. Christopher's eager and erect penis was on his stomach, a dribble of precum at its tip.

Evan kissed Christopher's neck, trailing kisses down his chest to his penis. He took the large member in his hand and squeezed, Christopher groaned. Evan began to lick hom from his balls to the tip of his cock. He sucker on the head, moaning at the taste of his semen. Christopher grabbed onto his head roughly and pushed him onto his cock, Evan began to deep throat his Master, moaning as he grinded his hard cock on Christopher's good leg.

"Fuck, Evan, I need you. " Evan let his cock fall from his mouth, he stroked him firmly as he climbed back up to him, their tongues reacquainted as Evan positioned hos cock at his dry entrance, they had already done it dry and he knew it would lube up on no time. His mouth gapped as his ass begsn to stretch over Christopher's large dick. "Oh, fuck!" he cursed and Evan's eyes fluttered closed as he went further down on his Master's cock. He winced as he was fully seated. They panted.

"You feel so good babe, "Christopher rasped as he gave him butterfly kisses. Evan had his eyes closed as he began to rock his hips up and down, he moaned and groaned. Christopher's cock leaked precum, lubricating his hole, making for easier entrance. They groaned.

"I love you," Evan gasped as his dick brushed against his prostate, he arched and sat up on him and he began to ride him hard and fast. Christopher watched him with admiration, soon his leg would heal and he would be the one to ride Evan's gorgeous body, for now, he laid back and enjoyed the ride of his life.

"Ah...ah...oh, fuck! "Evan groaned, his head falling back as he threw his head back." Yes, yes! "He grinded furiously on Christopher's cock.

"That's it, babe, uh..." Christopher smiled and groaned, he was close, he grabbed onto Evans cock which bounced up and down, teasing him. He pumped him in time with his thrusts. "Fuck," Evan gave one last grind and cried out his release.

"Oh, god, yes! "He collapsed on Christopher's chest and continued to grind as Christopher found his own release with a grunt. He pumped Evan and moved his hands to his hips, making them grind more onto him as he rode out his orgasm.

Evans red hair was partly on his face, it really grew out, reaching his shoulder.

"Babe, "Christopher panted and got a hum as Evan began kissing and sucking on his neck." You need a hair cut. "

"Mhmm." Evan began to rock his hips and Christopher groaned, his boy was insatiable, but he loved every moment of it.

Evan met Christopher's parents the next month, they were overjoyed, so glad their son had finally found love. They would have met sooner but Mr. and Mrs. Ward were in Peru, they had a glorious time. Evan couldn't have been happier, after everything he had been through he had finally found happiness and in the most unusual of situations, his luck really turned up in the best time. Christopher got him a private tutor, even though he is the soul breadwinner, he wanted his future husband to have something to call his own,something he would also be proud of besides his Master's pleasure.

Peter divorced Sebastian, irrationally so. He moved to Washington D.C. Sebastian although heartbroken, finds a way to keep himself together, but he still cries to himself every night as he lays in the same bed he shared with him. He refuses to tell Evan, he knows how much he worries, him and his younger brothers.

Christopher proposed on New Year, right in their garden which Evan tends to a much as he can. They made love right then and there in the garden, they were itching the next morning for some odd reason. Christopher got his birthday wish too, it was very eventful.

It took them a year to get married. Sebastian was there alone but smiling, Keanan too. Everyone was there, it was beautiful and planned by Christopher's oldest friend, Augustus. They spent their honeymoon in Canada, Evan was amazed by everything and they took two months for their honeymoon.

Now, four years into their marriage, Evan Ward, 29 and his husband Christopher Ward, 32,talk of a new member into their family. Now Evan couldn't ask for a better life. Christopher saved him in more ways that one, and he will continue to do so, till death do they part.


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