Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV:

Last night I kissed Ryder, she kissed back. After that she said goodnight to everyone. I walked her to her room and said goodnight. I started walking away when I heard my name.
I turned around and I saw Ryder and she jumped up on me. Her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I caught her right I'm time. She had her hand on the back of my neck and brought our lips together. She soon pulled away leaving her lips linger and she whispered
R- you wouldn't make the move so someone had to.
She smirked. We heard aww and laughing. She got down and saw the guys with their phones. She blushed and started running back to her room.
R-goodnight guys.
~Ryders POV:
I got in my pjs, which were a pair of spandex and my dads oversized tshirt. I went on Instagram and posted a picture my mom took. It's when we first saw each other and I was in this arms and our heads in each others necks. I posted it with the caption
"Met my bestfriend today. So much emotion. Love you lots @taylorcaniff.💘"
And then I fell asleep.
~next day~
My mom came in my room and woke me up to go get breakfast. I just went in my pjs and I put my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my glasses and put those on too. We walked down and I saw all the guys were down there. I freaked out.
M- mom! The guys are down here and I look like crap!
L- hunny! Stop they all like you so chill. Who cares if they see you. They should like you for who you are.
That's why my mom was awesome. I can tell her anything. She is like a teenager waiting to hear gossip sometimes.😂 Anyways, we walked through the breakfast line and was walking past the guys when Jack J was like
J-Ryder come here!
Then all the guys were like
AG- Ryder!!
My mom pushed me over there and said go.
M- guys I'm gonna eat and get dressed and makeup on. I look gross.
I felt two finer bring my chin up! I saw the beautiful brown eyes. He looked at me and smiled.
T- morning babe. By the way you look gorgeous.
I looked down and blushed. He chuckled and took my hand and lead me to the table. I saw there was no where to sit and so did Taylor. He sat down and looked at me.
T- come here and sit.
I went over and he grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap. The guys all yelled "OHHHH GET IT TAYLOR!!" I looked down and blushed. I ate and started to get a drink of water when Taylor pushed the cup and all the water split on me. The guys were silent but Johnson and Matt were laughing their buts off. I look At Taylor and he was holding back a laugh. I got up and went to my room. I got clothes which were short shorts and a cut off Nash shirt. I had a black sports bra to go underneath. I got in the shower and shaved and washed my hair and face. Once I got out I put my clothes on and then applied my makeup which consisted of eyeliner and mascara. I played music while putting my makeup on and danced and sang to S&M by Rihanna. Once I finished my makeup I looked in the mirror and smiled. I grabbed my phone and took a full body picture. I posted it on Instagram and the caption was "lovin my outfit! & there's nothing to do today! Tweet me at the hashtag #rysvideo and I will make a YouTube video lata!😜" then I hit post! As I was walking to my bed I heard a knock at me door.

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