Chapter 7!

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Tay's POV:
As I pushed Ry's water all over her I was smiling. She looked back at me and I couldn't read her expression. She didn't say anything but got up and went to her room. I kinda felt bad but it was funny. I do feel bad tho. Cameron thee everyone's plates away then said
C- Tay do you think Ry is mad?
M- no at least I hope not
C- she posted on Instagram
I just nodded my head and went to Instagram. I looked at her page and smiled at what she said. She looked beautiful. I went to twitter and tweeted her saying " #rysvideo are you mad at me babe? @ryderrrr (it's a made up account). I knew she would answer me so I waited. Then after a few minutes she replied with "no. Meanie." I laugh and tweet her back "I'm not mean bestie. Do you still love me?" She replied instantly saying "nopppe. Your mean" I don't reply but see the guys are tweeting to her. Matt said "I love you @ryderrrr I can be your new bestie" she replied with "I love you to Matt but no you can't you and Johnson were laughing😏😤😛." I started walking to her room. I knocked and she answered. She was on the phone. She let me in and I listened to we talk. She said things like "I miss you too Lynn" ,"come see me", "ya he is in my room rn idk why tho", "okay ttyl bye love u too" she hung up but said nothing to me as she sat on her bed. I crawled over to her and pulled she shirt up and blew on her stomach. She erupted laughing.
R- Taylor! Stopppp! P-p-lease!!!
She tried saying between laughing. I stopped and looked into her eyes. I leaned down close to her lips as I'm waiting for permission. She slowing nods her head. I lean down all the way and kiss her softly. My hands still on her stomach and hers go through my hair. I slightly mumble "I'm sorry" against her lips. She nods and pulls away. She looks at me and giggles and says
R- your cute
M- your cuter
R-your the cutest period! Ha can't beat that loser.
M-so I'm a loser now?
R- yupppp
She answered. I started to lean down again but her phone started ringing.
M- ughhhh!
I mumbled as she pushed me off of her and answered her phone.
Ryder's POV:
I answered my phone. It was my dad.
D-hey hunny. What's up?
M-ummm, not much you?
As I was talking Taylor came up behind me and kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist. His chin on my shoulder waiting for me to be done.
D- just wondering if you want to come over
R- I can't I'm in Texas
D- what? Why?
R-I was meeting a friend. Mom let me. And besides she is with me.
D- we just wanted you to come over.
R - well maybe if you contacted me I would be over more.
D- that's not fair. You know I work and you could contact me.
I got up away from Taylor and started pacing and stoping. I was pissed.
R- yeah I could but I don't think I should have to. You are the adult. And you ALWAYS work dad. That is what you say everytime.
D-don't be a bitch now Ryder.
R-oh my god. Really? Getting so low your calling me names? If we are doing that then you should know how I feel. You have not been a dad to me. Your just a person in my life. You say you love me but do you? You don't even know what I go through. I'm bullied at school. I cut. I have almost killed myself. You don't know shit about me. You call me a bitch. Won't be the first time but then I get to call you a low life asshole of a father. I don't even know if I should call you my father.
I say as I start crying. I punch the wall and put my head against the wall. Taylor come up to me and hugs me holding my hand I punched the wall with. I start crying harder.
D- your my daughter and I do love you. But you have not right to say that shit to me little whore.
I screamed into the phone as I hung up and threw it to the ground and tried to get away from Taylor. I started punching his chest telling him to let me go.
T- Ryder stop.
M-please let me go. Taylor I want to go see my mom please. I will talk to you I promise just let me go.
I said to him. He let me go and looked at me with a very sad expression. I started crying harder and kissed his cheek and whispered "I'm sorry". And then I went to my moms room crying.

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