The First Family Argument

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           I wasn't sure what to do. Jaymon, my dad and I finished putting out the fires and turned to see a million eyes on us. The stares were soon accompanied by whispers, which then erupted into cheers and clapping. I nervously smiled and turned back to Jaymon who was waving and shrugging to the crowd. I then turned to dad, who was on the ground, shaking his head and every once in a while looking up at the crowd, fake smiling, and looking back at the ground with Shard.

          "Majestic Mage! Majestic Mage!" the people started to cheer. I wonder if they notice that their homes are burnt to a crisp. Jaymon joins me at my side as Honor turns into a crow and pirches on my shoulder. Dad stood up and walked towards us. I started to smile, assuming he was going to congratulate Jaymon and I for helping the people of the city, but he walked straight passed us, lightly nudging my shoulder as he did. Jaymon and I exchanged looks and glanced behind us at dad, slumping along the path back towards the castle. But he stops suddenly in his tracks, looking straight ahead. The deer.

       I ran over to him with Jaymon. He was just staring at my creation.

     "What did this?" he turned to me and Jaymon, who were watching him, waiting for his reaction.

      "It wasn't a 'what', dad." I said, "It was me. And Jaymon. Neither of us could do it alone, so we did it together and it went from..." I stopped talking. I wonder if he knew anything about the wolf. He hasn't really told us much, "A wolf with red eyes and sharp teeth that looked like, if it was real, it would have killed me right then and there." I said crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. Dad eyed me.

      "....Oh...." he said after a couple seconds of eyeing eachother. Watching him say that, I decided to ask.

        "Do you know why that happened?" Dad turned his head slightly to the side and looked down, sighing.

      "No." he said after too long and with too stern of a look in his eyes, "I don't."

      "Bull shit." I said as soon as he finished.

      "Hey," Jaymon grabbed my arm lightly, "calm down." I shook loose of grip and started taking slow steps towards dad. Jaymon followed after.

     "Excuse me?" dad said. He looked offended. As if he didn't have it coming.

     "If I can own up to starting a war, you can tell me what the hell the stupid wolf meant." I stopped a foot in front of him and glared into his eyes. He stared back down at me.

      "Uh, guys." Jaymon said from behind us. I turned around and dad looked over my shoulder. Jaymon was pointing behind him with his thumb, "We have an audience." He started walking over to us and I turned back to dad. Great.

      "Let's talk somewhere else." he said. Probably meaning, let's start walking to "somewhere else" then drop the subject before we even get there.

      "No." I said, "Tell me now." Dad looked at me. He looked a combination of angry and sympathetic.

      "No." he said. My face started to burn. How could he not tell me something that has to do with me? He still hasn't told me how Jaymon and I became Majestic Mages yet either. I balled my hands into fists and put them behind my back to prevent myself from slapping him across the face. Jaymon must have notice, because in a second he was grabbing my shoulders and telling me to calm down.

      "I have the right to know this. You have kept enough secrets." I said firmly, "That includes the question that both Jaymon and I have been wondering for a while." Dad knew what I meant, "You're just too cowardly to tell us. Or you don't even know and you just decided to be a little ass and keep us in the dark-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my cheek and my head jerking to the side so hard I almost fell over.

      "Dad!" Jaymon yelled from behind me and stood between me and dad. He held my face in his hands and turned it to the side to see where dad hit me. I moved to the side to get a clear view of dad, Jaymon was yelling at him. I took deep breaths through my nose, my face turned red. People were watching. I brought my fists to my side. Before I got a chance to tell myself to calm down, I threw myself at my dad, but before I could get a hold of him, Jaymon wrapped and arm around my stomach and pushed me backwards, standing between me and dad again. Suddenly a scream erupted from inside of me without me even noticing it was about to.

     "Crystal!" I heard Jaymon shout and he was standing over me. I was holding my stomach as the wind started to pick up and get stronger with every breath I take. Soon the back smoke started to come back. Uh oh. But it was different this time. There was a light, shiny blue mixing with the black, and blood red. And it wasn't creating a cylinder around me, it was whipping in strips everywhere as far as the dark clouds would allow me to see. Suddenly my body felt like it was going to burst. I slouched over, bending my knees, trying to keep whatever it was contained inside of me.

      But my body wouldn't let me. My back jerked up to it was bending backwards with my arms out to the side. I tried to slouch over again, but after getting half way back to my position, the same thing happened. The wind pulled me to my right, then to my left, then forward after I lost my balance. Honor rushed over to me, along with Jaymon, but were blown backwards when my back suddenly arched backwards, my head flung backwards, and my arms were thrown out and to my sides. I screamed once again as a bright white light erupted from within me and came pouring out of my arms, my eyes, and my mouth, and soon after, my stomach. the light stretched throughout Sunshine Forest, blinding everyone within it. In a flash, the light was gone, and dust spread through the air, accompanied by what was left of the black smoke. The red and blue was gone. I looked around, and fell to my knees, then onto my side. My eyes started to close just before I saw Jaymon, dad, Honor, Gus, and Shard running to me as fast as they could. But I only noticed one thing before I blacked out. The carvings. My head hit the ground and my eyes closed.

Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I have no idea where this story is going, but I'm gonna try to end it soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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