The rage of a rose.

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Part five:
My skin burned in the heightened temperature. Fires blazed everywhere. I instantly figured out, whose thoughts I was following. Thorn's screams made the flames burst.
"You will never break me, you damned Shem!" She shouted in insane confidence.
I chased after her voice. It seemed like I was walking right into a dream. A group of screams filled the air and I ran towards them.
A young, blonde haired girl reached for her mother's hand as she was dragged away by two men. She cried out for her mother. She begged for the men to take her instead. Her tears spilled all over the ground as she collapsed.
The girl walked out of her house and saw a hand peaking out of an alleyway. She approached the tattered corpse of her own mother. Her tears quickly turned to rage. I saw a sad little girl get transformed into a lonely pickpocket. She had nobody to care for her. She had nothing. She had to steal to survive. Throughout all of this, one thing remained the same. She never forgot the faces of the men that took her mother away.
Next she was cold and wet. She knocked on the doors of the guard's barracks. She asked to see a specific man. Her body trembled as she looked at this muscular guard captain.
"What do you want?" He demanded in a drunk slur.
"Do you remember my mother? Her name was Sylvia. She was a young elf with blonde hair like mine." She gathered her courage.
"Did she send you here for money?" He growled at her. She stepped back.
"My name is Rose." She answered simply.
"Did I ask for your name? I know who you are. It really doesn't make a difference whether or not you are my daughter. I couldn't care less. I do not deny it, either. You look like my mother. The last thing I need, is a brat running around calling me father. Go back to your hole. I have no need, nor want of you." Thorn walked away. She really was alone.
One day, she seemed to be wandering around Denerim. She was stealing left and right. One of the men showed his face. She followed him back to his home. Her anger boiled over.
"Kill him! Kill him!"
"You killed my mother!" Young Thorn spat at the man. She pinned him against a wall. His wife and son stared in pure fear.
"Please don't kill me." He begged, but she didn't care she just simply slit his throat. She looked at the wife and son. She realized the monstrous thing that she had done.
"I am so sorry. I." The wife took out a knife. Thorn knew she deserved this reaction. She ran away and I ran after her.
In this state, she didn't know me. I heard Jessalyn playing her trade.
"Look at all they have done! Those humans think that they own everyone and everything. They ruined your life. They caused you so much pain. They deserve to suffer like you. They deserve to feel your rage."
"Shut up, Demon!" She yelped. She kneeled to the ground and I saw her start to break.
"Stay strong, Thorn. What good is anger doing you?" I coaxed.
"How did you get in here?" The demon turned to me. Thorn looked puzzled at the sight of me.
"It is me, Amber." Flames circle around me and it's hard to see and breath. "Thorn! Don't be engulfed by anger! She is deceiving you! You were the one, who said that she was trouble! Listen to me!"
"Shut up, Shem! I know what I'm doing!" Thorn's vexation showed throughout her tense body.
"Shall we show this Shemlan, what the Tevinter magister did to you? They all deserved to die."
I see Images of Thorn. She is in front of the apothecary. "I'm going to find out what they are doing with the others." She told Shianni.
Thorn snuck into the backdoor of the building. She came from behind the guard and knocked him out. She found the slaves and picked the lock on the cage. They filed out, but before they could escape the guards returned. They beat the elves back into the cages. The kept a strong hold on Thorn.
Thorn was taken into a back room. They pushed her head under water for long amounts of time. They removed her clothes and dug their knives into her flesh. They passed her from man to man. I wanted to turn away from the sight of her being assaulted. They beat and bruised her and pushed her into the cage with the other elves.
The tevinter soldiers took the seven girls and marched them out of the Alienage. The mage started experimenting on them. He tested a spell on one girl that set her on fire. He gave another girl horrible blisters all over her body. They fell like flie once they've been hit.
He slit Thorn's arm open and played with the blood that he captured in his bowl. With a motion of his hand, she was under his control. The magister could move her as he pleased. He caused her to pick up a branch and start beating one of the other girl's senseless. Blood poured out of the poor girl's broken skull. With each swing, the girl looked more and more scared. Thorn beat her to death. The magister smiled in triumph. It was not he, who would live in guilt for the rest of his life.
"Don't you see, my dear? It is the humans, who caused your pain." Jessalyn persuaded. Thorn's eyes filled with tears. Thorn tossed a rock across the ground.
"What do you want?" She sounded weak. "You have shown me the worst times of my life, what now?"
"Look at her. She didn't care about your people, your home. Her husband is a king. Her father was a Teryn. She could have saved you from all this pain. Kill her and your pain goes away. Don't you want to avenge those you once cared for's deaths? Kill her. Let your rage guide you." Thorn suddenly went into some sort of trance. Her eyes stared right at me, but for a single moment she didn't move. Her pupils diolated and she abruptly came after me. The flames from around me dropped down and it was only her and I.
I rolled around and dodged her angry punches. I knew I could have easily take her down with her bad form, but that would only advance her rage. I wrapped my arms around her tightly so she couldn't move and we both fell backward. I held her down as she tried to pry me from her. Her frail body didn't even move my strong muscles a little bit. She resorted to biting, hitting, and trying to pry me off of her. She slammed her head against my nose and I still wouldn't move. I could feel her anger burning against me.
"Let me go, Shem!" She wanted to kill me. I represented a deep hatred that had been within her for years.
"Thorn. Listen to me."
"Why would I do that Shem?"
"That's right, she is the enemy." Jessalyn sneered.
"No. I am your friend. Just listen, Thorn. Your pain is real. I would never claim that it isn't. You have every right to be angry at those people." I keep my voice calm.
"Of course I'm angry! They took my mother away and left me alone. My father turned me away like trash. The tevinter guards beat me and raped me. Of course I'm angry. Wouldn't you be angry?" Thorn kicked me in the stomach.
"I know how you feel, Thorn. You feel like you've been betrayed by society."
"I was betrayed by society!" Thorn shouted at me.
"I know that you were. I also know that revenge isn't all that it is cut out to be."
"What do you know of revenge?" Thorn snapped
"Let me tell you something about me. My father's best friend waited for our men to leave. He marched his army into Highever and killed everyone his soldiers could. He killed both of my parents. I had to leave them. For the longest time, I blamed myself for leaving them. Every moment that my mind wasn't occupied, I thought about how I was going to kill him. Once I did kill him, I felt relieved and sad. Killing him didn't bring my parents back. The point is that hating humans won't give you anything back. Will it?" Thorn calmed down and then tears poured from her eyes.
"No. It won't."
"Then don't be a slave to the demon. Let go of your anger and hate." I let her out of my hold.
"You're right. Demon I've had enough! Come and face me."
A rage demon popped out of the ground. His orange flame-eyes stared me down. I passed Thorn a dagger and together we faced the slithering demon. I hit him hard and so did Thorn. Thorn took her dagger and repeatedly stabbed it in the head. It slide back into the hole that it came from.
Thorn sighed. "I am sorry, I lost it. I shouldn't have attacked you. I knew it was a demon and I still let it play me like a fool."
"Thorn, you can't be strong all the time. Sometimes you need to ask for help."
"I've never had anyone to ask for help."
"You do now. I protect my friends, Thorn."
She smiled for the first time, since I had met her.
"Thank you, Amber."
Niniel's voice comes back to us. "Good work. Take a breath this battle isn't over yet."

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