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Part seven:
It was a long dark corridor. Walking forward seemed like a bad idea, but I trudged forward anyway. All I could hear was the slow separated steps of Fergus. Nobody dared to speak, because we feared what was in front of us. What demons surrounded us? Someone screams from behind me.
"Get them off! Get them off! Help me!" Thorn squeals.
"What is it, Thorn?" Fergus helped her to her feet.
"I felt a knob and opened the door and a whole bunch of rats started crawling all over me! Get them off!" Thorn said in anguish.
Fergus and I brushed the rats off of Thorn. I felt them crawling everywhere. I still couldn't see, but I could hear and feel them. They gnawed on the naked flesh of my ankle. I kicked at them, but they were persistent. I never thought that I would have so much trouble with a bunch of rats. They covered Thorn and were slowly chewing her to bits.
"What do we do?" Fergus asks.
"Run!" Thorn said in a panic. Fergus and I chased after her. There was a mysterious door and we went through it.
It was utterly silent for a moment. The room was dimly light; I could barely see my hands that were right in front of me. It was better than no light at all though. I felt something warm and wet hit my hand. It was thicker than water. It had a stench.
"It's blood." Fergus said. "You don't still have a minor fear of blood, do you?"
"Since I had to drink it, not so much." In that moment, I really didn't care that I had just given away a warden secret.
We reached the next door. I pulled and pried on the knob.
"It won't budge!" I said.
"Move out of the way." Fergus broke the hinges with his sword.
I ran forward and started falling. I had only a moment to grab onto something. Thorn and Fergus pulled me back into the bloody room.
"There has to be another door." We all searched in the dark.
"How about this?" Thorn led us down a cellar door. The light shined brightly. My eyes burned from the rapid change.
"What kind of demon do you think it is?" Thorn inquired.
"A smart one, who knew we were coming." I replied. Not a moment later, a huge black scaled dragon appeared.
"Fergus, you don't still have a fear of high dragons, right?"
"I definitely still do."
"That's nice."
"Amber! It's a terror! I'm afraid of rats. You were once afraid of blood. Fergus is afraid of dragons." The battle commenced.
The three of us were no match for such a smart creature. He swung his tail and flung Fergus. Thorn climbed on its back and was about to finish him, when he took off. I was pushed back as the dragon flew through the air.
"I'll be fine, Amber! Just defeat the demon!" Thorn held on tightly as it took her away.
I started to run with Fergus behind me. We went into what appeared to be the gates of a castle. I stare right at the horrible, fleshy beast.
"What is that thing?" Fergus demands.
"It is a brood mother. I doubt that their is something that isn't terrifying about it. It spits acid and breeds Darkspawn." I was lifted up by a tentacle. I sliced it off and rolled across the ground. I stood up and threw a dagger right into it's head. Acid poured all over us. My hands were stained with blood and acid burns and goo.
We trudged into what appeared to be the great hall of our castle. Alistair kneels over me. I am obviously dead. He looks older. His face was filled with wrinkles. His eyes dropped with dark circles surrounding them.
"You survived the fifth blight only to sacrifice yourself in the sixth. I wish I would have taken the last blow for you. Now I have failed both you and Duncan."
"You haven't failed me. I still have breath." I walked into the room. He looked up at me.
"You are a trick of the mind! Go away! Leave me to mourn!" Alistair shouted.
"Oh Amber! You have failed your dear husband. He is bound to me now. Once I am let in, I cannot be expelled. Soon you will all be my prisoners. The little elf maiden is already mine. The others are all fools. Everyone knows that fear is the best way to control people. The irony is that by taking Alistair away, I am making your worst nightmare come true. You aren't just losing the love of your life, but everything else too. What a pity!" The demon chided.
"He has never been yours and you never shall have him! I would rather die, then serve you!"
"Then you will die!" The Demon screeched.
"Amber!" Fergus was grabbed by the high dragon. He was being crushed by its talons. I suddenly am grabbed by a tentacle.
"Alistair! I love you and if I have to die to prove it, so be it!"
"I know you love me Amber. There is nothing to prove!"
"Then trust me! Don't let the demon in! Free yourself from this oppression! Please, my love!" I squirmed trying to save myself from the grasp of the tentacle.
"Show yourself Demon!"
It looked like a bunch of branches that were pieced together in odd fashions. Alistair fought it, but it that was intelligent in manipulation was just as clever in battle as well. It hit the sword out of Alistair's hand. It cornered him and was about to strike one last blow. I thought quickly and flung my dagger his way. He hit the monster in the face with his shield and cut it into pieces.
Thorn appeared out of nowhere. Fergus and I were set free. I collapsed into Alistair's arms.
"I am sorry that I doubted you."
"It isn't your fault. We are all safe now." He stroked my hair. I was filled with a feeling of relief.
"This isn't over. Do not start your celebrations, before the time is truly right or you will fail. Come." Niniel sends us somewhere else.

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