I ran home as fast as i could.I hate bullies they always find a way to make fun of me.When i got home mom asked if im okay,i nod and run to my room to go find Lia and Logan.They weren't here."great,just great"i think to myself as i throw my lunchbox."first i have the worst day ever,AND now my friends aren't here!".I hear a voice thinking it's Lia or Logan,I turn around to see it's the tall man.He tells me that a voice told me before he came to stay away from them.I think he's talking about the bullies,is he on my side?I softly ask if what happened. If he could have prevented it.......He wasn't there anymore.I sigh and clutch my forehead,it really is starting to hurt.Then i hear Lia...
Lia&Logan: Stacy!Guess what!?!?!
Me:hmm?where were you guys!?!YOU LEFT ME!!!
Lia:But we got rid of your bully problem!!!
Logan:easy we just told them to stop messing with you and they ran from us *laughs*
Me:*smiles* thank you so much you dont know how much this means to me!
Lia: that's why we did it!
*they where right,the bullies dident even come to school after they told them to stop bulling me they left me for a while after that.But i did achieve getting friends named Sally and George and im happy about that.One day Lia and Logan came back*
(4 years later from that day)
Me: *sigh* my head hurts so badly
Sally:hmm??*starts cutting a piece of paper* whats the matter?Why does it hurt??
Me:who knows? haven't had this kinda headache sinc-oh no!
Sally:hmm?*put scissors down and stares at me* Cmon tell me whats wrong??When did you last have this headache?
*i fainted but i still could hear Sally asking her questions like normal i swear she's so curious and she worry's about me too much George he is mostly quiet so i dident understand what he was trying to say when he asked what happened to me.I heard Sally running to get my parents while George made sure nothing happened to our volcano project that we started when school ended.*
When the shadows are seen....
HorrorIn "when the shadows are seen" a small girl,like any other likes playing dress up and dolls but who understands the whisper of the wind and hears what others dont.She doesn't get much attention from the children at school but enjoys the company of t...