Why cant i find her?

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(five months later)

 I had a sleepover set up for me and Sally,so we could study for a huge test together.I waited for a very long time her mom came to my front door saying"she couldn't make it"i could see her crying through her fake smile.The next day i went to Sally's house,but again she couldn't play with me.One day i got fed up and decided to run into her room and ask her why she kept leaving me alone.Her mom tried shutting the door on me the last time but i ran right past her,i got yelled at but i still ran as fast as i could.8 year old me could not have seen this unless i was this damn reckless.I ran upstairs and saw it,

My best friend was hanging there,eyes dead white,face pale,and her just swinging back and forth.

My hands flew to my mouth and i started crying,i read a small letter that was found in her hand,it wrote:One Down,One To Go.You Got That?...and in small letters it said then your next Stacy.I was 

terrified but i couldn't do much but stare as i felt alone somehow...."GEORGE!!!"i thought quickly is he okay i wondered i feel to my knees and may have blacked out.i dont remember anything after that.

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