As she woke up she looked around her room for anyone or anything. Stacy stands up and goes to her computer,she turns it on and looks around the room waiting for it to Load." So thirsty, I'll go and get something I suppose" she stands once more and cautiously opens the door,only to hear her dads loud snoring. She tip-toes her way downstairs and gets apple juice and returns once more to her seat.
Stacy: *groans*
Her computer loads like any other,but once she types in her password a demonic,bloody creature appeared on her screen. First shocked then it's like she got used to it. She grabs her iPod and stands noticing the eyes of the creature are following her around the room.
Stacy thinks she's seen everything,but she's at a young age(actually I'm not one to talk about "young age" I'm the youngest of my friends)and hasn't seen much.
Stacy walks in the hallway getting ready for school.
(At her bus stop)
Stacy:*under breath* is he sick today...I hope not...
(Don't hate me I'm leaving this at a cliffhanger! Heh well everyone I must do the next chapter,the last chapter right! It will be one of the longest chapters too so I really hope you like it I put a lot of hard work and a lot of time into this book and it saddens me to end my first book. It must be sometime soon anyway,so I decided to finish the last chapter and let you guys have it on Halloween or a few days before so it gives you guys a scared feeling! Heh I'm not evil I just like it when people get scared,I like it when people try to scare me! Well good day all you guys! Next time my friends!!)
When the shadows are seen....
HororIn "when the shadows are seen" a small girl,like any other likes playing dress up and dolls but who understands the whisper of the wind and hears what others dont.She doesn't get much attention from the children at school but enjoys the company of t...