Prompt Swap 4

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This is a prompt for FallenLightWolf where Guude gets kidnapped because of Etho and his feelings. Hope you enjoy!

Guude sat on his small, yet very comfortable bed. He thought about Etho and how he felt for him, but of corse Etho was happy with Beef. Guude sighed and looked to his bed rest, seeing his journal. He grabbed an inky feather and started writing about how he loved Etho, but Etho wouldn't love him back.

"There's nothing I can do. Etho is happy with Beef get over it Guude. He'll never love you." Guude said sadly. He untucked his sheets and  layed down, looking at the picture of himself and Etho before going to sleep.

Etho stalked Guude's house from the distance. He looked as the moon shimmered behind him, sentincing the break of dawn. Etho couldn't go back to Beef, because of how he felt of Guude. But he was afraid after he told him, Guude would say no.

"I have to do this now, it's now or never!" Etho stelthly junped off the mountain and started creeping towards Guude's house. He saw Guude asleep and he entered quietly. He looked at Guude and sighed, before dragging him off his bed.

"Thank god- Guude is a- heavy sleeper! Or I'd be- found out by- now!" Etho stuttered by the weight of his lover. Etho dragged Guude's unconcious corpse towards his base and threw him down the hole. Etho sighed.

"Time to tell him how I actually feel." Etho said before jumping in himself.

Guude woke up yawning to an echo. That's when he realized he wasn't in his base. He looked around confused of what happened during the night. Guude sighed.

"God! I hate being a heavy sleeper." He told himself. Etho hid around the corner, hearing every word of Guude's before showing himself to the leader. Guude was stunned.

"Etho I.. I don't understand. What's all this about?" Guude asked, moving closer towards the Bars of the cell door. Etho smiled under the mask and turned away from Guude.

"Beef's with Pause. I found him and Pause doing... El grante De Leto. You know what I'm talking about right?" Etho asked. Guude stepped back a little in shock, and nodded before the ninja frowned and sighed.

"Don't you know what it's like to have someone cheat on you with someone else? What about yourself and Baj? What happened?" Etho asked Guude quite calmly. Guude sighed and sat on the cold, stone brick surface.

"Baj left me for Arkas. I didn't care about it, I wanted him to leave. But now I have feelings for someone else and don't know how to tell them." Guude told him. Etho turned his back towards the leader but then, turned back around..

"Guude. I need to tell you something." Etho said towards him. Guude raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Ever since I first met you, I've loved you very much. But never had then courage to tell you. Once you married Baj and I married Beef, we went our separate ways. But for the six and a half months I've been with Beef all I could think of was you. And when I found Beef with Pause, I ended then marrige and came to knowing I end loved you. Guude.. will you.. marry me? Your the only on I truly trust." Etho admited to him. Guude looked at Etho in confusion..

"Yes Etho. I will marry you." Guude said to him.

Hey guys Blazzium here and

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