Sneek Peek 2

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Arrows whizzed past the group of adventueres as they breached the palace walls. They were expecting them. The leader in green growled as many members went to take cover.

"Pause, return fire!" The man beside him put his hands out in front of him, arrows appearing out of nowhere and flying over to the other side of the battlefield. Many sank into knights of the guard, but only two perished. The trench coated man hid behind a tree, looking at the battlefield and observing the possibilities.

He clenched his fists, swirls of red and blue appearing around his hands as he moved out from the tree. He suddenly vanished within a wisp of blue and red fire, appearing beside a knight as he grabbed the warriors sword and plunged it into his neck. A knight tried attacking the man from behind, but he just disappeared again, appearing behind the guard and knocking him uncauncious.

The leader watched this happen, surprised by the sudden actions of the normally shy man. He looked to the ground and smiled, placing his hand on the solid earth and watching as rock surrounded his fist. It solidified, making three guards in front of him cautiously walk towards the leader. He smiled.

"Ping pong time." The trench coat wearing gentleman was taking care of archers and soldiers waiting to attack. Some he would render uncauncious, some he would flat out kill. Suddenly he heard his leader shouting his name from down below.

"Kurt, a clawer! Watch out!" As he turned around, he wad met by a man swinging a steel like claw at him. Pain hit him as darkness over took him.

Elemental Guardians
Coming soon

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