Prompt swap 7!!!

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Why is he being so STUBBORN?! He knows that there is nothing between us, and there won't ever be anything between us! Why can't Blame and everyone else in this city realize that?! Huh.... Blame thinks he and I are a.... should I say.... couple. Like Kurt and Zisteau, Etho and Pause, Guude and Baj but we aren't! But...... unfortunately.... I will have to deal with that tonight. Tonight, a party is being held at Beef's, because apperently none of us have gotten quite..... aquanted since the UHC's. UHC 22 just ended and..... I.... don't wanna talk about it.

"Okay Pak just, calm down. Everything will be fine! Just..... don't talk to anyone and..... everything will be alright...." I told myself, trying to calm down the butterflies in my stomach. I looked into the mirror, and I brushed a piece if my hair out of my face with a finger. I sighed, and looked at a picture that was sitting on my dresser. Blame, myself, and Guude. The picture of when we all met one another. I was a Miner, lost, starving, but that's why they call me Pakratt. Blame was originally a man in distress, until he fell into my cave system and..... just so happened Guude fell also. I had always told Guude when I showed him this picture one of my favourite quotes.

"Two's a party....... but three was always a crowd....." I whispered to myself, bowing my head slightly. I sighed and grabbed my leather bag and put some stuff that I needed inside, and I saved the picture for last. I took one last look at it before shoving it into a pouch, and closing it, putting it onto my back. I shoved open the door, and I set foot for Beef's.
When I finally managed to get there, I walked upon the snowy steep and knocked on the door. Beef opened it and welcomed me inside, which I gladly excepted since the beeeeeutiful 'spring' weather we are having. I hate snow. But then again, I hate literally almost everything. I, once again, shoved a piece of my hair out of my face and walked into the living room, where I saw Pause, Baj, Guude, Millbee, Avidya, Blame, Set- Wait what?! Blame was here? Beef didn't tell me anything about him being here...... I froze as soon as I saw Blame, and he stared at me. Blame's stare always sent shivers down my spine but..... the more I think about it...

'Why is he staring at me? But...... then again...... I can't look away either..... T-There's something oh SO intriguing about him but.... I don't think he realizes it. I-I don't think even I realize it yet' I thought to myself as I sat on the couch beside a drunk Guude whom was passed out. I sighed, and remembered how this entire thing started. A year ago, a game of 'What Is The Chance', and 'lucky' for me I was the only one not drunk!

"What is the chance......" Guude started, his voice a high pitch. I sighed and put my head against my hand, bored out of my mind. We've been doing this four hours now, and nothing has been thrown my way. Guude looks devilishly at me.

"......of there being a PakTC romance?" That ship name made me share daggers at Guude, who was to busy laughing his buns off with the rest of them to care. I look at Blame, who I could tell was smiling under the mask. And coldly, but simply, I said:

"No. There isn't." Blame looked at me like his heart had just been split into two, but at the time, I didn't care either. I just, grabbed my stuff and left after that. A few days later I met up with blame who..... well.... I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say, shit happened.

I had started a coversation with Guude and Pause when I went to take a drink, but then realized my glass was empty. I sighed.

"I'll be right back. Gotta refill." I said and got up, walking into the kitchen. A strong arm grabbed me and pulled me into a nearby room, causing me to shout in shock. I realized that I was in a bedroom, and the person who pulled me into it.... was Blame. I sighed.

"For heavens sake Blame what the fu-"

"Let me explain myself." He said sadly to me, cutting me off. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Listen, I-I know you don't think we're.... ment for eachother but we are! Remember how we met?" Blame asked me and I sighed, remembering the picture.

"How could I not." I said, giving him a weak smile. I realized he had gotten closer.

"Then you realize I could've fallen anywhere, and you could've been anywhere in the mine at the time! But we weren't! We ran right into eachother. Just like that." Blame snaps his fingers.

"Guude being there?! Come on. Do you believe in miracles Pak?" Blame asked me. I looked at the 'fish' as people call it, on my collars of my shirt and I nod.

"Then you've gotta believe that us together was a miracle made!" Blame said, getting a bit closer to me. I sighed and turned around.

"It didn't work the first time we tried, so why try again?!" I asked harshly, making him look down.

"It was my fault-"

"Damn right it was your fault! You were the one who slept with Vechs! I was thinking it would be just the two of us like you promised but noooo! You never showed up! Then I found out your secret affair!" I interrupted him, my tone of voice going from angry to sad. I was facing him now too. I could feel the tears form in my eyes, and I turned away from him once more. I clutched my stomach as the tears went down my face.

"You shattered my heart into millions of pieces!"

"Yes...... but mine is still strong enough to be full." Blame said, finishing my sentance for him.

"I've moved on Blame!!" I yelled at him, making him walk towards me again.

"But I haven't. My heart can't take it anymore." He said, making a fist and pounding it to the spot where his heart is located. I scoffed coldly.

"Is thought you said your heart was whole." I asked, making it sound as if I didn't care.

"There's a giant hole in it. This big." He made a fist.

"That hole is where our relationship once was. I-I'm sorry Pak but..... I need you....." Blame said, all of a sudden right up into my personal space. It became slightly akward, but I was tempted to run away. I almost did, until Blame grabbed my wrist again. I struggled against his grasp, but he pulled me against him, gently taking off his mask. He had.... blue eyes..... I-I Never knew.... I looked at him, and gently I placed my lips upon him. Kissing one another, I had to stop.

"Blame....... w-what does this make us......?" I asked him, making Blame smile.

"Isn't it obvious?" Blame asked, putting my hands into his.


Hey, not what you expected Hannah, but still did it. Hope you enjoyed. I'm Blazzium, and I'll see all you doods later. Peace out Blazes!

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